Thanks @rambo and @missy for the topics!! π
many years ago does (makes about 5 ) a guy told me if I wanted to take pictures for web site Suicide Girls , which was something new and entertaining but always rejected because I did not feel completely safe , me and the idea , well years passed , and 2015 was the worst of all , they occurred many bad things, very bad , and this made me rethink the way they saw life, and I also felt it was time to be myself 100% , leave everything they said aside and dare to be free. So I would define , to be free and be myself, and leave prejudices aside .
(Photo by @paloma )
And here I am! in this incredible community, full of good energy , friendship , love, tolerance and acceptance . I feel very grateful to be part of Suicide Girls. greetings to all!
I hope you liked my blog