help me!! in an effort to Do Something Other Than Sit And Slowly Die In Front Of The Internet, i have begun cleaning my apartment, and now i can not stop
- junk drawer - dejunked!
- floors - mopped!
- nasty shit behind my fridge - garbage bagged!
- toilet - scrubbed!
- ashtrays - dishwashered!
- books - alphabetized!
i spent the better part of 4/20 at a cook out where the people who used to live upstairs now live. you have to admire people who ditch their lease and then move two blocks down the road. from what they told me, a bunch of their friends were supposed to come out to party, but only three people (including me) showed up. oh well. more food/reefer for us. unfortunately, the ribs were like shoe leather and the burgers were cooked to the consistency of hockey pucks. but it being 4/20, i was just happy to have free food in my stomach
twenty one days until lightning bolt
i miss my smelly girl
eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die