As a result of my ability to unintenionally offend people, I have decided to go back into lurker mode. I'm sure this will make some of you quite hapy.
I may or may not renew my membership when it expires.
I may or may not renew my membership when it expires.
it's just a message board, if people want to have a problem with what you're saying, let them, there's nothing they can do about it.
besides, i never knew anyone who's had a problem with you
What was intended as a plea for friendship and a realization that I have a problem connecting with other people somehow got turned into me being an asshole and being asked to stay away from the SGLA people. I don't know if something that I had said was taken offensively or if there was a pre-existing problem with me that I wasn't aware of. At any rate, it only served to compound my issues.
Perhaps Maxx and Roman numeral girl have never found themselves in a situation where they were virtually friendless, and for their sake I hope they never do. If so, I hope they have better luck than I did because truthfully, it fucking sucks.
I'll continue to post in and update my journal.