*sigh* Last week was a killer at work. TL was away for the first 3 days, probably when we needed him there most as we got hammered by incoming cases. Stress levels were high, tempers flared, and generally my calm blue ocean I have been trying to maintain until the christmas break, turned into a sea of blood. It seemed like the longest week ever, all week I kept thinking it was one day later than it was. Friday afternoon nearly killed me it dragged on so long. And of course, I have to go to work on monday, christmas eve.
Still... hopefully it will be a slow day, everyone ELSE will be away on leave, and I can just relax. Then finally, thankfully, I am on break for a whopping 9 days. Doesnt sound like that much, but its the longest break I've had since i started a year ago, and I really need it. I really really need to disconnect and unwind from all the stress at work, and maybe, just maybe I can last a month next year before I lose my shit and tell them to go fuck themselves. Next year has to be a good year to make up for this one, so it needs a good start.
Still... hopefully it will be a slow day, everyone ELSE will be away on leave, and I can just relax. Then finally, thankfully, I am on break for a whopping 9 days. Doesnt sound like that much, but its the longest break I've had since i started a year ago, and I really need it. I really really need to disconnect and unwind from all the stress at work, and maybe, just maybe I can last a month next year before I lose my shit and tell them to go fuck themselves. Next year has to be a good year to make up for this one, so it needs a good start.

yeah kinda a promise i made to a few people.