i'm having cold dominos pizza for lunch
if i don't post again, you know what happened
this past weekend was actually pretty fucking cool
I actually got to hang out with some people (read: they actually got off work. . .AND showed up.. . . .oh my god)
we got a great deal on the Slayer box set
I heard Big Business(. . .which is the new Karp band. . . .Karp being the band with the coolest singing voices since the Melvins). . .and promptly spent a MINT at hydrahead shop
and mother made the best buffalo wings ever
next week?
national emo day
. . .no, nothing's happening. . I'm just gonna put a bunch of new Kindergarten Hazing Ritual songs up on soundclick.
I figure a shitty hallmark holiday is a good excuse to subject people to my evil evil crap, hahahahahahaahhaahhaa
nintendo music and screamin YAY!
(don't let my disposition in the post fool you though, i'm feling pretty hostile due to the weather getting all warm again)
It did, however, make for good theater when they played. Ahhh, such sweet ditties of love ... Going Through Your Purse, Bitch ... My Woman From Sodom ... I really hope you will include the Mentors on your holiday mix. I should make just such a CD for all the married folks in my office.
RIP, Douche, ya old goat!
Well, sorry you're so angry. I can relate. I'm not crying any more, oh no, I'm making plans for revenge. LOL! Revenge that I will not carry out but that will nevertheless entertain me for hours.