i hate casts, i broke my 5th metacarpel , the boxers fracture, wow, no more jager, ick. what a whirlwind of emotions lately. had a kick ass weekend, then the ex wife came and visited, i am too addicted to her. she wants to get remarried, scary, i wish i knew what to do. i feel i should give her a second and last chance, but i feel only one outcome is inevitable. she is wild and probably shouldnt be tamed. i missed wakin up with someone, now i am spoiled again. she has no job, no car, no money, no place to live. i told her the other day how i feel lied to. when i was a kid everyone told me to get a good job so i can be a good provider, now that i can attempt to provide for her, ppl say dont be her sole provider. i am tired of living in the barracks, we are treated like inmates. it is the reason i will probably leave the military. amongst other things as well. i guess it might be the straw that breaks my back. i have no idea what to say right now to describe things, usually i have no problem, but i am spellbound now, i am excited to see ltrain and hopefully hadyn. she rocks!

I got yer back too, Kludog!!!!
sorry about your arm... I've had 9 casts in my body throw out the years.. trust me.. I know how that sucks...