i have come to realize tonight that i because i am male, i am not allowed to do certain things. i also have realized that my personality is immature and not cool enough for sg. i am lame, i like sex, which i am not supposed to say, because i am an ugly male. if however i was an attractive girl it would be more 'cute' fuck this i am goin to bed. why do i let strangers and ppls behavior piss me off?
fuck sleep. i really want to vent a lot of my thoughts but then ppl will think worse of me. but fuck, it isnt like i am married to anyone here. ok here is the vent time
ok i am pretty pissed off. i have always had low self esteem, a complete feeling of unworthiness. people always tell me to be confident, yeah right, when you have heard the things i have it is more difficult not to become a hermit, ok maybe i am nuts, i mean i get offened over the internet, i should just be able to say fuck it and be mean to those that are mean to me. i can totally tell what ppl are saying by the way the say things and what they say, fuck i hate being rejected by ppl i am not even interested in. oh you dont want me? as if i even wanted you, i think secretly most ppl want to be worshipped by someone they want. fuck i cant even put my thoughts in order now. i am babblin and rambling on
bottom line, if you dont have it you never will so why bother trying?
i know that many ppl will never understand this because they have never ever been in the situation, i hope that no one feels this way ever.

fuck sleep. i really want to vent a lot of my thoughts but then ppl will think worse of me. but fuck, it isnt like i am married to anyone here. ok here is the vent time
ok i am pretty pissed off. i have always had low self esteem, a complete feeling of unworthiness. people always tell me to be confident, yeah right, when you have heard the things i have it is more difficult not to become a hermit, ok maybe i am nuts, i mean i get offened over the internet, i should just be able to say fuck it and be mean to those that are mean to me. i can totally tell what ppl are saying by the way the say things and what they say, fuck i hate being rejected by ppl i am not even interested in. oh you dont want me? as if i even wanted you, i think secretly most ppl want to be worshipped by someone they want. fuck i cant even put my thoughts in order now. i am babblin and rambling on
bottom line, if you dont have it you never will so why bother trying?
i know that many ppl will never understand this because they have never ever been in the situation, i hope that no one feels this way ever.
yeah sunburns do suck ass. and your totally welcome, if you ever need someone to talk to just IM me (SheIsBeautiful 0) on aim and ill be your counsler lol im good at that
. also chicks + PTW + subway = shanes (hopesfall's) all time dream im sure lmao

klu, klu, klu, you have a friend like me and you still are never happy!!! c'mon i'm the best thing around! smile! heh. fuck people. i never care what people think, they can all go to hell. hey i just realized, this internet cafe puter has yahoo and msn messenger on it.. yay! gonna see if you're online. ok you're not! oh well. maybe next time. well dude, don't let what other people say get you down k, people like me who matter know how great of a friend you are and if you weren't in my life then i don't know what i'd do. keep your head up! and yes i loved the rap!!!! i wish more people would rap to me. thanks! do another rap, rap masta!