the future is bleak. i dont want to be an old white guy, they are scary, it is depressin to think about the future. i wish the demand for average white dudes was alot higher. i am a dime a dozen. nothing new, nothing special. before you think i am depressed, no way, just was in dennys last night and thought too much about it. i hate gender roles and rules.
i watched punch drunk love last night. it was not that good, it made me nausious (sp?) anyway. went to tucson for fireworks. didnt drink at all. i hate not having a dd. they had the po po out like crazy here last night, i didnt think there were that many pigs, i mean cops in this town.
i need to get up and get this room clean and get my uniform straight for monday. hope everyone had a great 4th of july.
ok adding on, it is weird how an irrelevant movie can make you remember and miss things. i miss my ex a lot. btw i am watching just married hehe. makes me miss being married, my wife rocked.
i watched punch drunk love last night. it was not that good, it made me nausious (sp?) anyway. went to tucson for fireworks. didnt drink at all. i hate not having a dd. they had the po po out like crazy here last night, i didnt think there were that many pigs, i mean cops in this town.

ok adding on, it is weird how an irrelevant movie can make you remember and miss things. i miss my ex a lot. btw i am watching just married hehe. makes me miss being married, my wife rocked.
trust me i was diffrent all threw school and now and it not that great cause there is alot of narow minded people in my town so i get a lot a flack , some time i do wish i was normal then i think it must suck not to have any orginality