greetings to those ppl whos journal i just recently hit. i was in a mood to hit alot of the sgaz members journals. i hate feelin like a recluse around cool ppl. makes me feel like i am not cool, lol anyway. i am workin 12 hours on and 12 hours off this wonderful weekend. so i was watching alot of these 'date' shows last night since i 'work' the night shift. i think as much as i hate watching them, they are educational. i hate watching cause it is easy to tell the outcome. i can tell if the ppl are into each other and what not. so why cant it be that easy to see in real life. may be it is the pressure that we put on dates that blind us. i realized that if someone isnt giving the right signals, then dont waste your time. thank you blind d*te. then there was fifth wh*el, dont want to get in trouble with the name useage. anyway, they always find two ppl that arent that cool to date two cool ppl. then they throw a monkey wrench in and add a cool person later in the show. so the uncool ppl rarely have a chance. it is also an educating show. dont get comfortable with someone unless you see how they act around someone that is more interestig then u. anyway, i woke up read some messeges, journals, etc. i also read some info on signs, since i didnt know what elements go with what sign. i am a fire sign. i found that charlie chaplin shares my bday, apr, 16th. i unfortunetly found some other bad ppl that i hate are aries. anyway, need to get up, eat, do luandry and get ready to go back to work. ick. i need to go running too. anyhoo. take care ppl.
oh yeah the song of the day for me is almost biographical in my case;
'ugly- butt trumpet'
and the todays video;
'cross out the eyes- thursday' i cant watch and listen to this song too much can i?

oh yeah the song of the day for me is almost biographical in my case;
'ugly- butt trumpet'
and the todays video;
'cross out the eyes- thursday' i cant watch and listen to this song too much can i?
sags are supposed to stay with sags [only our own sign can handle us], but i know no sags, except for my navy boy who lives in diego. its just not worth the long distance thing.
i love those dating games, cause htey are funny, but hate them cause usually the people are scumbags, and the matches are made-for-tv, horribly horribly wrong.
get the tatto as big as you can to make it fit in tharch on your tummy. hehehehe you will remember me forever!