Zoo, zoo, zoo.
Baby tiger cubs and gorillas, oh my!
Death to all obnoxious children by way of falling into the penguin pond or being plucked from their carriage by a hungry carnivorous bird on flight during the bird show.
That is the way of the Zoo.
Also $3.50 Drumstick cones.
The otters were fun, as always.
Baby tiger cubs and gorillas, oh my!
Death to all obnoxious children by way of falling into the penguin pond or being plucked from their carriage by a hungry carnivorous bird on flight during the bird show.
That is the way of the Zoo.
Also $3.50 Drumstick cones.
The otters were fun, as always.
I hadn't thought about how appropriate the picture was for the weather... monkey with the snow-covered head. Keepin' it cool. 

i am going to keep my eyes peeled (ouch i hate that expression) for you this weekend. hopefully you'll recognize my tatoo. i'll be drunk as per usual and probably stumbling. but you should come to the pride event at hush for dancing and fun afterwards if you are up to that kind of thing.