Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life...
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videos of what?
I was being serious.
So I haven't written in a while... with my faves like Tenaciouss... and Samanfa not posting as regularly I haven't been as eager to check things out : ) I don't really lurk in the forums or anything either... I just enjoy reading people's blogs and updates.
Anyway. Just wanted to say a little bit about the Bin Laden hullabaloo that's been going on the...
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Anyway. Just wanted to say a little bit about the Bin Laden hullabaloo that's been going on the...
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ahaha yea i knowwwwwww but its $200 i dont have. sorry pal

Wouldnt You like to know!! LOL
hahaha love that picture! reminds me of why i love my shubby husband so much!
(for starting project front page!)

hey- thanks for the add! 

god this video and song is amazing...
hahahaha that hamster is insaly cute
project front page, lol. I LOVE IT.
You're forgetting boobzilla! 

Anyone else as geeked as I was about the return of The Great One? Don't judge me... I've been a fan since I was a kid.
I marked out and squealed like a little girl when his music hit! Luckily I was around during pretty much the prime of the WWF... so it's a bit of nostalgia seeing these older guys coming back every once...
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I marked out and squealed like a little girl when his music hit! Luckily I was around during pretty much the prime of the WWF... so it's a bit of nostalgia seeing these older guys coming back every once...
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ps , u know werestling is fake right? haha
This little cluster of cells...
among billions of others...
made by my body...
over the course of my life...
This particular one...
randomly selected...
divided and replicated...
from practically nothing...
is now snatching french fries
out of my hand...
from the backseat...
in the pitch dark...
on the drive home...
among billions of others...
made by my body...
over the course of my life...
This particular one...
randomly selected...
divided and replicated...
from practically nothing...
is now snatching french fries
out of my hand...
from the backseat...
in the pitch dark...
on the drive home...
My Hubby says the same thing!! That is funny shit!!!
My Hubby says the same thing!! That is funny shit!!!
Just the look..all I had was the look of a chola..was not a chola at all Lol
Firstoff I wanted to give a shout out to the lovely Miss Tenacioussfor being the inspiration and motivation to write this... I'll try to do this relatively often... but no promises.
Anyway... just wanted to write about something that'd been on my mind lately.
"Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet...
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Anyway... just wanted to write about something that'd been on my mind lately.
"Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet...
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Dude, I dont know how I made you think of this (im depressing haha) but thank you. I think like this alot. Especially today. Im just having one of those, well call it 'emo' days, where every thought flowing through my head makes me feel sad.
I always think about when Im older. When Ill be reminising about today. I feel like currently in my life I am happy. But not necessarily as happy as i could be. Im scared to get older and look back and not be able to say " i looked so good when I was yonger, I wish I had that body back." In all honesty, while Im by no means hideous, Im not happy that at my age I weigh as much as I do, or that im as inactive as I am, or eat junk food the way I do. Its horrible. Im scared to get old because my lifestyle now will have me leading a poor life later. Doesnt matter what I tell myself, I dont think when Im faced with a night of binge drinking or a handful of halloween chocolate.
I often feel like I never got to party like my friends did because of a relationship i wound myself in for 7 years starting when i was 16. I regret not being able to be stupid with my friends. I resent my ex and myself for that.
Im lucky enough to have a job that I enjoy and a roof over my head. I have a boyfriend, however he has not been truthful to me our entire relationship and im not convinced Ive ever began to trust him again. I feel like sometimes im short siding myself for being with him. I love him to death but theres always these doubts.
I guess we never feel fully staisfied with what we have and even when we are 70, will we then? Doubt it.
I always think about when Im older. When Ill be reminising about today. I feel like currently in my life I am happy. But not necessarily as happy as i could be. Im scared to get older and look back and not be able to say " i looked so good when I was yonger, I wish I had that body back." In all honesty, while Im by no means hideous, Im not happy that at my age I weigh as much as I do, or that im as inactive as I am, or eat junk food the way I do. Its horrible. Im scared to get old because my lifestyle now will have me leading a poor life later. Doesnt matter what I tell myself, I dont think when Im faced with a night of binge drinking or a handful of halloween chocolate.
I often feel like I never got to party like my friends did because of a relationship i wound myself in for 7 years starting when i was 16. I regret not being able to be stupid with my friends. I resent my ex and myself for that.
Im lucky enough to have a job that I enjoy and a roof over my head. I have a boyfriend, however he has not been truthful to me our entire relationship and im not convinced Ive ever began to trust him again. I feel like sometimes im short siding myself for being with him. I love him to death but theres always these doubts.
I guess we never feel fully staisfied with what we have and even when we are 70, will we then? Doubt it.
hahah, no it doesnt really. Oh well