Yes, I am still alive my children!

It's been a while, I realize since I've given any form of sermon. And it's going to be spotty since my sister is coming into town tomorrow morning, which has me dancing around in joy.

And no, it's not the dance of joy, but close.

Since Friday I've had the opportunity to get to know two very lovely...
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Well, woohoo for you too!

Bodies are so strange. In one day I've gone from total pain to working itself out so that I can walk with one crutch halfway normal.

Who knows? In a month, maybe I *will* be back on skates!
Get out and enjoy the weather? Are you nuts? Its 100 outside!
Another weekend has flown by with odd things happening. Would it be a story of my life without that? biggrin

Let's see -- Friday someone actually contacted me via the online service provided by Nerve. Oddly enough she was pretty damn good looking too. She must be looking for dorks to take to a party ala Happy Days -- classic episode, by the way.

We'll see...
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Hmmm... not back yet... souvlakia? Eeep!
No you wouldn't trust me on that -- oddly if I remember correctly I don't think we live too far from each other. smile

PS -- I know a great date-type resturant in my turf you can take your ex to. You can briefly excuse yourself, and well ... leave her there.

PPS -- Is Sophie's by chance a cuban sandwich place as well? They seriously have the best chicken sandwiches I've ever had.
Must get out of the funk I'm in...

Mostly feeling persona non grata.

thank god it's the weekend.
A Major UPdate!

+ R.I.P. Peter Jennings -- one of the last greats this planet had and one intelligent man. We'll miss you and more than ever we need you. Let's try to ressurect the man!

+ Saturday got to see some really solid art, luckily on the last days for many of the various galleries. Spike Gallery ended a show of large-scale portraitures from...
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oh yeah -

Today I went to Minar -- a killer Indian restaurant that gives you a ton of food for $7! Make sure to get their award-winning Samosas and pass up on the rice to get Naan. Talk about heaven dipping fresh, warm Naan into the various curries...

After that it was a cool-me-down ice cream cone and chocolate cupcake with chocolate buttercream icing...
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My favorite is still Dojo on St. Marks for cheap quality eats.

I would seriously drink their house salad dressing from the bottle with no shame if given the chance.
It was great talking to you yesterday, I've missed you!!! kiss

I hope your apartment cleaning is going well....wink biggrin
Well, I found out firsthand how fast restaurants book up. My sister will be here in a few weeks and I thought I'd take her out to Babbo -- Mario Batilli's restaurant. They have a policy of "no reservations more than a month in advance" -- so I waited until 28 days before we'd go eat and...they're freakin' booked up eeek Every day that she's here...
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The cool part of the food photo shoots is that you can look at them without getting food all over you. Actual food-related sex is not as tidy as a nice little food Suicide Girls set. As for the weapons, it's not about rape fantasy. It's about girls who are badass. It's the same reason why Elektra got her own movie.

Anyway, I hadn't even heard about any pilot for Global Frequency, but it's so cool that they made one. That's something else I'll have to track down. Thanks for the heads-up!
Friday: Ate Shabu-Shabu and drank myself stupid. How I got home is a great mystery.

Saturday: Picked up a Tinpo and Noupa figure along with the Grand Theft Auto Kubrick box set and be@rbricks designed by Ashley Wood and Pushead! Very happy about that.

Watched Coach Carter and realized that I need to get out and help more people. A movie that shows that one...
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Finally! A recommended book that looks to be worth reading. Yay.

Now, catering for 100 people on a budget of $100? Are you nuts?

I (heart) food network. I don't have cable, but I'll find someone who does so I can watch you in action.

And yeah, that guy from Murderball is a dick, but that's what's so funny about it. He looks like a good samaritan compared to the coach for the Canadian team, though. It's a great story.
Wow, that sounds like a busy busy weekend!! tongue

Catering 100 people on $100??!?!?! You are nuts!!! And definitely let me know about the show....which show is it??? Why and how did you end up on it??

What's this idea you have??? Is it a secret???? wink
Sweet, Sweet Satan!

It is hot outside and wotta ya know...it's the exact same temperature inside.

Time to turn the air on, take a cold shower.

Stay cool!

Go out...or actually go INTO a movie theater and see The Devil's Rejects. Beautifully Gruesome! Oh, it is a sight to see. Zombie outdid himself with this one -- not only is it vicious, dark, gritty...
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No joke....the heat index today was like 110!!! They actually cancelled my volleyball tonight because it was too damn hot!! eeek So I went and got my nails done instead!! blush

A cool shower sounds good about now....I might have to take your advice! biggrin
well, it looks like you're all stuck with me for a few months.

I missed turning off my account by a few hours, which means I got billed, money came outta my checking account and something's going to bounce.

I emailed customer service and basically got a "tough, you're paid through October. no refund" message mad mad

Thanks, though, for people being kind enough to post goodbyes...
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Awwww...that sucks you weren't able to get your money, but at least you're here!!! smile

Have you tried the SGNJ group?? They are super cool!!!! smile
Ah, Echo & the Bunnymen are on the radio. God do I love them!

Saw a sneak preview of The Island last night. Thank God it was free, otherwise I'd be a bit peeved. For free (or rental) it wasn't too bad...a no-brainer, summer popcorn flick with blow-d up shit and a laughable plot.

Some time this weekend I will see The Devil's Rejects!...
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Speaking of shows, Pelican is playing on Wednesday at the Knitting Factory. If that MC5 show was any other day but next Friday I'd so go.

I saw Bad Brains in 1999 and it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. It was sad to watch. HR was very out of it. Probably on some heavy duty drugs out of it.

He stopped the show at sevral times to yell some very homophobic comments at some guy in the audience. Whenever this would happen the band just kept playing as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. They went through all their songs with about as much emotion as someone writing an email.

After seeing it first hand, and that sort of thing probably happened on a nightly basis, I can kind of see why they might not want to have anything to do with HR anymore.

But yeah, Rollins replacing HR ... WTF?!
Awwwww, thanks!!! I'm sorry I've been AIM MIA lately....hahaha, it's the same letters!! wink

Maybe you could make it down for my birthday...??? wink That would be awesome!!! biggrin
huh...single again.

I seem to be doomed to find girls who are...well, it doesn't really matter much. What's done is done and I now have yet another friend.

God bless the Vodka Tonic! Which has nothing to do with the above, however doesn't hurt either.

Yesterday I had a chance to see Constantine and have to say that it was better than what I thought....
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Thought you might be interested in this, there might be a Bad Brains reunion at CBGB in a few weeks with Henry Rollins on vocals.

Got this from the Rollins mailing list ...

I got an interesting call the other day from my old pal Daryl, bass player in the Bad Brains, one of the great bands of WASHINGTON DC. He told me the band wanted to play the CBGB's benefit thing at the end of July and would I do the singing. I agreed and we started to get the set together and when we were going to practice and then a few days ago, the dates got postponed and I don't know when they will be rescheduled and where I'll be when they do. I have been getting a lot of letters asking if this was true and hopefully this answers those questions.