Where did the time go?

Seems like I was just doing this my friends...

Another round for all and thanks for keeping my seat warm.

Hope everyone had a great round of holidays! This year was another great time with my family and friends...along with catching up on sleep! Man...so very nice to be able to sleep without pipes banging, people racing their cars, garbage...
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And I am outta here!

Hope y'all have a good holiday, no matter what your religious leanings are smile

Eat, drink, be merry!

And more than likely, walk like hell...
Happy Holidays!!! kiss

[Edited on Dec 22, 2005 10:16AM]
got up at 5:30 a.m. to hear the dreaded news...there is a strike.

So, I get to look at a 2.3 mile walk to work...at 22 degrees outside.

1010 WINS newsradio interviewed union workers on the picket line. There were only 30 out. WTF?!? ALL of those fuckers should be outside. I'm guessing most of 'em won't even walk the line, but stay inside where...
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T-minus 5 hours and counting...

Will there or won't there be a strike? The thought has been on everyone's mind all day today and seems to be topic du jour.

As it stands, there's something like 7 million commuters who are going to get bent over because of the strike. Will it make the public more sympathetic toward the Union workers?

I think not.

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Holy shit, 39 megapixel?!?!! shocked That's crazy!!
I am feeling great now, so I guess I timed it perfectly!! wink
I'll give you a call when I'm around...we'd be leaving around the 1st if we can find somewhere to stay...otherwise, it will be New Years in Philly! tongue kiss Happy Monday!
Adding to your observation of the people who take the L-Train for a block ...

I usually get on one of the last cars of L-Train and get off at Union Square every morning. Sure its really crowded and takes a minute or two to get up the stairs to the concourse with everyone going to the stairs at once.

Its amazing how many able bodied people just run towards the elevator. Its like the guy with 20 suitcases is going up the stairs, little old lady with a walker going up the stairs ... yet the 20 something dude in the nice suit riding the elevator.

Go figure.

Enough from me, I need to get ready for my big walk over the bridge. smile
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...

The week flew by in a glorious haze of alcohol, dates, toys and old-school rap.

First off, check out the set by Mr. Thing at the Beta Lounge -- amazing! Some sick mixes...

Wednesday was a dual party night. the WIRED store had sent me an invite to a party...which would have been a no-go outside of the fact...
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Your Simpson wall clock reminds me that I saw the best Simpson tattoo ever the other day. It was a heart with a ribbon that said "Moth" in it. smile
interesting times, these are.

Had the second date in as many days tonight and it went okay. Not much attraction -- at least as far as I was concerned. The ladies were nice...but...

I've determined that my calling in life is to be perpetually single. And so be it!

That, or an alcoholic -- as things are going the bottle will be the one thing...
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Ah, questions, questions, questions!

Let's see...as many know I split the site -- due to various reasons. Why come back? Mainly the deal that SG offered for a year membership was too good to pass up!

Plus I missed talkin' with some of you smile

What's been happening over the last few months? Work, looking for work, doing work outside of work (catering, freelance design jobs)...
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Welcome back and good luck.
Whoa -- never though I'd see you in these parts again.

I think there's some sort of saying that things come in 3's. Either way one of them is soo going to pan out! smile
I'm back...
in black!

yay biggrin What made you change your mind???
I'll be in NYC for New Years!!!!
hmm...let's see:

+ Got dumped on Sunday. Fuck this city and the girls who are here. Buncha wackos

+ Monday I got into the Be@rbrick show at GBE thanks to some legwork. Managed to hobnob with some well-known artists and also had one of the high points of my recent life...meeting the CEO / Founder of Medicom Toy! Got better when this guy and his...
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I'd say a prayer for you and all for the Florida thing, but I'm not religious at all.

Even if the whole God thing is true, I'm going straight to Hell so I don't want to ruin it for you. smile
Good luck at the interviews, I hope they go well for you and you have your choice of places to go, I know you're looking forward to getting somewhere else!!!

Sorry about the girl, sometimes we are crazy like that!!!!

Give me a call soon, I miss you!!! kiss
hello people!

So, here's what's been going on for the last few weeks:

+ finished up the gig at the warehouse in astoria...thank grodd! We were there from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. every saturday and sunday, which wasn't too bad, but the trains were suckin', so add on at least another 2 hours each day...and that became a drag! Made some mad money off...
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I have this mouse toy on top of my computer -- I got it at some give away when they opened the Kid Robot store in SOHO a few years ago.

For some reason it always reminds me of that classy toy stuff you always talk about. smile
Just to let people know....

I'm not dead!

Very busy though. My free time has been consumed between a construction gig and a new girlfriend! Plus I've been working on some special projects that take up a bit of time too.

Hopefully this weekend I'll have the opportunity to get this caught up...
I just thought of you like a minute ago.

There's this toy of a mouse that sits next to my computer, that I got when the Kid Robot store in SOHO opened. For some reason it reminded me of you.
So, last week there was a post on the SG New York forum that if you weren't going to take part in the forum or events you'd get booted.

Now I find this interesting. I've gone to events, left a number of new topics and tried to hold my own party...with absolutly no response from anyone from SGNY. The party I had two people...
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