Another week, another...um...week!

Seems like every day had something going on:

+ Monday night was hob-knobbing with the infamous artists and designers at High Five's opening party. Of all the people I met, Neck Face was the biggest surprise -- not who I was expecting but a cool guy none the less. That place will be the bane of my toy collecting = too much...
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I feed her nuclear waste!! wink She's been pretty consistent around 28-30 pounds for a couple months now! I hope she doesn't get any bigger!!! eeek
Is it me or was anyone else expecting to wake up to a ton of snow?

Frankly I'm surprised that the amount on the ground is as deep as it is. When I got ready to go to bed, the temp was still above 32. Sure, there was moisture in the air and it had been snowing, but as anyone knows, the air temp might...
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I'm so sorry I didn't call you the other night!!! I ended up on the phone with my sister talking about wedding stuff for HOURS!!!! shocked

I'll call you this week, and we can catch up! kiss
Well...this last week has been interesting to say the least!

Friday the new girlfriend (?) and I went to her friend's house for a dinner party...that turned into a super drinking fest! Man...both of us were beyond trashed, leading to much bumping, falling, urp-ing and sloppy sex! and sleep...much sleep.

Saturday started in the early afternoon, which wasn't good since I had to shoot the...
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That's awesome on the interview!!! smile Let me know when it comes out (and where I can get a copy)!! smile
Tomorrow I am going to see Brokeback Mountain, which was just nominated for 8 academy awards. For me, this means the movie better be freakin' amazing -- so I'm going to put the screws to it.

Right now, gay cowboys are going to go up against the gritty cowboys of Deadwood, my new obsession! That show...damn...four episodes into the first season and I...
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Funny you should say that -- I switched to Bad Brains this afternoon.
PS -- Way to not show up tonight! mad wink
It's Chinese New Year!

The year of the dog kicked off with a whimper down in Chinatown yesterday -- I was kind of surprised at how lame the Flower Market was. There were almost no flowers...and the few that were ended up being silk! Yeesh.

Got into the MOMA, though, for a closed exhibit last night thanks to the sorta girlfriend. Or whatever she might...
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I give some credit to China -- atleast they admit they censor the media and randomly spy on people. Ugh!

Happy year of the dog by the way. miao!! <- there needs to be a dog icon.
lord, I am SO tired right now. So I'm going to sleep.

Ja Ne kiss
I can proudly say I never had the checkered Vans -- I was all about the canvas Vision Street Wear shoes. Ironically, I still wear a pair of Vision Street Wear shoes on a regular basis. Sad.
I hope you got some sleep!!! It was great talking to you! kiss Oh, and by the way, the movie was amazing. One of the few movies I will actually buy (and not just burn) once it's out! biggrin
I can't tell if I'm sick...or ate too much fudge last night! I feel a bit run down and my throat is scratchy. Hmm...my urge to go to work is fading quickly smile

I love hearing bands that I passed up for one reason or another -- like the Backstreet Boys! Yeah, those are some talented lads.

Um, actually that's not the case (never heard the...
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When I was homeless like six years ago, I made a killing on eBay reselling Balzac cds. biggrin

Never hears a note of their music. I refuse to listen to them for the sole reason that that Jerry Only is on their cover.

[Edited on Jan 24, 2006 7:37PM]
ay yi yi...glad last week is over!

Let's just say that "rock bottom", "hit" and "me" can be added together.

That's bad.

Listening to Acid King while looking at some of the new SG sets. That's good!

Nothing new on the job search, although Ziff Davis did email be back twice on Friday. That's good. Very good...

Who knows what's going on, though with the...
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I know I owe you a call....maybe later tonight?!? Or tomorrow when I'm in the car!! kiss
Oh, come now. I know girls who have a great deal of respect for their vibrators...
Let's see...work this week was akin to getting fucked with a dildo made of razorwire, spit on and then tipped a dollar.

'nuff on that.

Friday night was Fab! If you care, that is smile

A big night was planned, so I ran home, changed and headed out. Stopped off at Toy Tokyo and was ready to walk out but then noticed there were a ton...
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You used the word fab. smile
I can vibe to anything
Do I have to hide from everything?
Everybody wants a piece of me
Reach their origin and cease to be
Sit back and let it happen,
Let us take your time away.
I dont understand you.
I dont want your time of day.
If youre gonna walk, might as well walk your way
Always walk the hallways,
Forget the...
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Do I really need to say "thank god it's friday"?

Who's up for Hostel? Time out gave it huge props...fangoria gave it a limp review. I'm a bit torn -- I'm always up for good gore, but the director's last movie was Cabin Fever...

Giant "Woo Hoo" -- not only is the girl I'm starting to "see" intelligent, funny, talented, very attractive and...
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Woo, yay for all your woo hoos!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

I know, I've been bad, just running around like a crazy person lately!!! I promise I'll call you soon!!!!