So its looking like I'm officially moving to Vegas, NV!! Couldn't be more excited for new opportunities to come! Anybody have any great vegas stories??
💎🦄🍃🍃🍃@rambo @missy
Peace, Love and TGIF! I like.... no... NEED a great blunt to relax and get ready for my weekend. What do you guys do to unwind?
Not that the ability to socialize with some of the most down-to-earth and beautiful women you'll come across online wasn't awesome enough, Blackheart Burlesque is one of the amazing things we have in our community where you can meet and see each other in person!! I am more than happy to talk about this awesome experience we get to have. @rambo @missy
I had the
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Does anybody else feel like this year has been just flying by? I'm starting to be under the assumption that time isn't measured, it's felt.
Anyways! Doing one of my random drive-bys to clue everyone in on life. This year has been exceptionally difficult, not many of you know but I'm inflicted with a number of medical issues that greatly and severely affect life. Sometimes...
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