wow. check out this bad thesis statement a student just sent me ... oh, a month late. The 10 page research paper is due this friday.
oh. p.s. the paper is supposed to be about gender in fight club, but I'm sure that you could tell that from the thesis...
"Through the decades masculinity has changed. In the turn of the century, men were...
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oh. p.s. the paper is supposed to be about gender in fight club, but I'm sure that you could tell that from the thesis...
"Through the decades masculinity has changed. In the turn of the century, men were...
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The calm before the storm is over. In rush papers, exams, annotated bibliographies, harried students, slackers, etc... I wish I could say that this is cutting into my social life, but -- alas, alack -- it is my social life.
Academia: like being a student but with out the perks of parties, casual sex, social life, etc...
But, on the lighter side. A student apologized...
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Academia: like being a student but with out the perks of parties, casual sex, social life, etc...
But, on the lighter side. A student apologized...
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1. A noun is...
a. zzZZZZzzZZzz
b. dskhfgasfkhvbds.hHF.SGKGFC
c. nerts
d. none of the above
a. zzZZZZzzZZzz
b. dskhfgasfkhvbds.hHF.SGKGFC
c. nerts
d. none of the above
dave. you look so handsome in your profile picture. how are you? i was thinking about you the other day. i miss you. hows ohio treating you? well i hope.
anyhow.. if you talk to scott and jamie tell them i say hi.. and i miss them too. and tell scott my tattoo still looks P.I.M.P.
anyhow.. if you talk to scott and jamie tell them i say hi.. and i miss them too. and tell scott my tattoo still looks P.I.M.P.
See current issue of James Joyce Quarterly. Absinthe. hahaha. Years of waiting: over.
spring has sprung.
I am hermitting nicely. Which ain't always so good.
B-day coming up and narely a hint of the possibility of b-day sex on the horizon. ahhh well. I'll try not to hotentot think about it. April is cruel.
See current issue of James Joyce Quarterly. Absinthe. hahaha. Years of waiting: over.
spring has sprung.
I am hermitting nicely. Which ain't always so good.
B-day coming up and narely a hint of the possibility of b-day sex on the horizon. ahhh well. I'll try not to hotentot think about it. April is cruel.
Happy Birthday!
I'm sure you were much better off with books, cats and lemmon squares. Those loose women are nothing but trouble anyway
Oh did you say you were staying near copley? That's a good spot. Short walk from the MFA Boston, Mass Art, Museum Shool and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and lots of other stuff. Perhaps you already knew that.

Oh did you say you were staying near copley? That's a good spot. Short walk from the MFA Boston, Mass Art, Museum Shool and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and lots of other stuff. Perhaps you already knew that.
I really like out of date exclamations and think that I shall start to pepper my dialogue with them (and not just the perrenial favorite and never out of use "P'shaw!"):
oh bosh
golly! gosh!
m'god. Living for spring break. ten days in FLA, but with no plan, no rhyme or reason, a car and a sleeping bag and lots of beaches.
Tried for mexico and hawaii but both were a bust. But I've promised meself a week at least on a beach in Mexico with Finnegans Wake and lots of tequila. My idea of Paradise. Well, throw in a...
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Tried for mexico and hawaii but both were a bust. But I've promised meself a week at least on a beach in Mexico with Finnegans Wake and lots of tequila. My idea of Paradise. Well, throw in a...
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oh. my. GOD. you're gonna be in the joyce quarterly???
holyshit. if i knew you in person, i'd ask to lick you. that's awesome cubed. and a secret ambition of mine. shhhh!
holyshit. if i knew you in person, i'd ask to lick you. that's awesome cubed. and a secret ambition of mine. shhhh!
heh heh heh. I was BORN in 1982!
Whateveah. You look perty good for a 91 year old
I've been a busy little bee. In fact, not not 10 minutes ago I launched a website to help generate content for my thesis. I also just chopped a bunch of little flyers to hand out at the Dropkick Murphys/ Whisky or Blood/ Ducky Boys show I will be attending tonight. I'll update soon...tomorrow maybe.
Congrats on your article! That's got to feel pretty damn good.

I've been a busy little bee. In fact, not not 10 minutes ago I launched a website to help generate content for my thesis. I also just chopped a bunch of little flyers to hand out at the Dropkick Murphys/ Whisky or Blood/ Ducky Boys show I will be attending tonight. I'll update soon...tomorrow maybe.
Congrats on your article! That's got to feel pretty damn good.

mmmmmm Day Off.
psyche. A day of paper grading. I'm going to try and get through thirty of them. 5-6 hours. If I am Lucky.
And I missed seeing the Slint Reunion Show in Louisville by Two Days. Fuckfuckittyfuckfuck. The one band that I have never tired of. Been listening to em for at least 14 years. one record store guy there said it was...
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psyche. A day of paper grading. I'm going to try and get through thirty of them. 5-6 hours. If I am Lucky.
And I missed seeing the Slint Reunion Show in Louisville by Two Days. Fuckfuckittyfuckfuck. The one band that I have never tired of. Been listening to em for at least 14 years. one record store guy there said it was...
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p.s. man, is that haiku guy annoying
Yeah good luck with those papers! Sweet for the coffee! I hear the cofee in the US is pretty bad, I don't drink coffee so I wouldn't really be a good judge of that but I know that everytime I've been with coffee drinkers they usually couldn't finish the cup without saying it was "sockjuice"
And yeah, Laura Mulvey is great, her theories aren't very uptodate on feminism because of how old the text is but an interesting read nonetheless.

And yeah, Laura Mulvey is great, her theories aren't very uptodate on feminism because of how old the text is but an interesting read nonetheless.
MMM. Relieved that last week is over. Guh. House guests. Exhausting. Now I'm sitting on 135 papers [well, not actually sitting on them, I mean, waiting to grade them]. But I am looking forward to driving to Louisville on Thursday for the 20th century literature conference. Never been to Louisville, land of Bourbon, Slint, and Will Oldham.
Saw the new Zatoichi movie. Blind Yakuzi swordsman....
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Saw the new Zatoichi movie. Blind Yakuzi swordsman....
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I read Dorian Gray for honors english my senior year of highschool. Unfortunately I don't remember much of it. I skipped a lot of school that year to work on my portfolio and pretty much just relied on my reputation as a smarty pants to get me through.
I'm not kidding about you teaching a class here. I think you'd enjoy it. As much as I complain about hipsters and intellectual masterbators, it's a pretty awesome place. Lots of art and music to take in.
Mmmm my supermarket's "international" section consists almost entirely of european sweets. Mmmm.
I'm not kidding about you teaching a class here. I think you'd enjoy it. As much as I complain about hipsters and intellectual masterbators, it's a pretty awesome place. Lots of art and music to take in.
Mmmm my supermarket's "international" section consists almost entirely of european sweets. Mmmm.

They'll let pretty much anyone teach here during "wintersession." I've had grads teach a class. One of them had never taught before and hopefully he never will again. It starts right after New Years and lasts six weeks. It's basically a time for students to go crazy and take something out of their major. We can only take two classes, so they are pretty intense.
come teach and frolic with me. I know you wanna.
come teach and frolic with me. I know you wanna.
I just watched Tommy. To my mind, the Who have always been the first Punk Rock band, and my favorite rnr band in general since I was about 12 -- But I hadn't seen Tommy since I was about 14. My god, there must have been lots of Drugs floating around the set. Ken Russell -- guh, what a masturbation on Film. Pretty funny...
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I just watched Tommy. To my mind, the Who have always been the first Punk Rock band, and my favorite rnr band in general since I was about 12 -- But I hadn't seen Tommy since I was about 14. My god, there must have been lots of Drugs floating around the set. Ken Russell -- guh, what a masturbation on Film. Pretty funny...
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valentines day
to you.
hope your crush is treating you well this year....

hope your crush is treating you well this year....
Mmmm. Intellectual masturbation. There is a lot of that around these parts. I avoid it by keeping myself busy with the other kind of masturbation
Anyway, I've decided that you should teach a class at RISD during their six week "wintersession" someday. Students will make you cool stuff like sphinxes made out of suffed cats and huge talking barbie doll heads, or nifty black and white silent films. Just a thought.
Hope you had a good time flaunting your bachelorhood in front of all the pathetic codependant couples. Oh, and I hope you ate lots of candy too!

Anyway, I've decided that you should teach a class at RISD during their six week "wintersession" someday. Students will make you cool stuff like sphinxes made out of suffed cats and huge talking barbie doll heads, or nifty black and white silent films. Just a thought.
Hope you had a good time flaunting your bachelorhood in front of all the pathetic codependant couples. Oh, and I hope you ate lots of candy too!

A foggy day off. Even though I want to go and tramp through the woods, get lost in the fog, I have to write, write, write. I love foggy days, the muffled peace of them. Once upon a time I lived in Northern California and loved the early morning fog, the no-sound/smell of it on its little cat feet.
Trying to plan my spring break...
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Trying to plan my spring break...
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but we all know hours of reading on cam is SO HOT. especially if it's a classic. i'd drool over it, totally.
I just watched Tommy. To my mind, the Who have always been the first Punk Rock band, and my favorite since I was about 12 -- But I hadn't seen Tommy since I was about 14. My god, there must have been lots of Drugs floating around the set. Ken Russell -- guh, what a masturbation on Film. Pretty funny and dated actually, but when you are used to the all Who music and then listening to the gutless broadway film sndtrk version. well, poo. It does not rawk in the least. Maybe it would've been entertainng if I was high. The part with Ann Margaret rolling around, humping the pillow in the pudding and baked beans with her boobie hanging out was pretty friggin' classic though.
Went out drinking earlier, then came home and had a cheap candy / smoked almond debauche. And now head and stomach are pissed at me.
to bed...
I just watched Tommy. To my mind, the Who have always been the first Punk Rock band, and my favorite since I was about 12 -- But I hadn't seen Tommy since I was about 14. My god, there must have been lots of Drugs floating around the set. Ken Russell -- guh, what a masturbation on Film. Pretty funny and dated actually, but when you are used to the all Who music and then listening to the gutless broadway film sndtrk version. well, poo. It does not rawk in the least. Maybe it would've been entertainng if I was high. The part with Ann Margaret rolling around, humping the pillow in the pudding and baked beans with her boobie hanging out was pretty friggin' classic though.
Went out drinking earlier, then came home and had a cheap candy / smoked almond debauche. And now head and stomach are pissed at me.
to bed...
So. Today was my day to be productive. Instead I watched movies all day. Saw Sunset Blvd. What a fuckled up movie. It has a dead monkey in it. Followed by a dead monkey funeral. Yeahhhh.
Just sucked down some coffee so I could get some work done. So friggin happy it is Friday tomorrow. Not like I'm doing anything this weekend -- too busy....
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Just sucked down some coffee so I could get some work done. So friggin happy it is Friday tomorrow. Not like I'm doing anything this weekend -- too busy....
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to answer yr question, i'm a teaching in training. I have 3.5 more years of university and i'll graduate with a bachelors in Art Education. I teach now tho as a student teacher, get the lil kids to do art looks like an amazing career so far. What age kids do u have, college?
to answer yr question, i'm a teaching in training. I have 3.5 more years of university and i'll graduate with a bachelors in Art Education. I teach now tho as a student teacher, get the lil kids to do art looks like an amazing career so far. What age kids do u have, college?
just stopped by to
sorry your comp class is boring.. i wish i could come be in yer modernism class.

sorry your comp class is boring.. i wish i could come be in yer modernism class.
Sat 5/28
Dick Dale (King of the Surf Guitar, as heard on "Monster Garage"), Brant Bjork and the Bros. (Ex Fu Manchu, Kyuss) 18+ $20
Also on the 28th right next door
TheRockats (legendary band from UK), Two Timin Three, Johnny Carlevale & The Broken Rhythm Boys, Ace Brown & The Helldivers
Those are really the only one's I see that I'd recommend.
There's always Wally's for good jazz on Saturdays as well. It's small and relaxed and the people there are nice.
Check The Boston Phoenix out.