Sombody please but a boot up the weather spirits asses and get some sunshine and warmth going.
Ok, this post isnt anything about me or mine for a change, its dedicated to a great father and wonderful man who is having a real rough time right now, pretty much preparing for a bad journey that he never wanted to take, one that i have taken, and will never take again. I dont know whether to give the mans name or not, he is a member of this site, and i have had the pleasure to converse with him this weekend, and althought i wish the conversation and the mood had been different, i am sincerely hopeful that the advice i have provided him helps out.
Its another situation whereas the man provides and gives and gives, and the woman takes and takes and lies, and again, the ones that pay the dearest price are the children. Please, i am asking you guys to just send some good thoughts out there not only for him, but for his three kids as well. Think of his kids and send them the good of your hearts so that their hearts dont suffer. You can feel free to use my journal to send out a message to the gentleman if you wish, just address the post to "S", he will know who you are talking to.
As for me and mine, we are fine, just grumpy due to cabin fever, but i am glad that you guys are all having positive things happen in your lives. I keep you in my thought and well wishes each day.
Much love all of you,
Ok, this post isnt anything about me or mine for a change, its dedicated to a great father and wonderful man who is having a real rough time right now, pretty much preparing for a bad journey that he never wanted to take, one that i have taken, and will never take again. I dont know whether to give the mans name or not, he is a member of this site, and i have had the pleasure to converse with him this weekend, and althought i wish the conversation and the mood had been different, i am sincerely hopeful that the advice i have provided him helps out.
Its another situation whereas the man provides and gives and gives, and the woman takes and takes and lies, and again, the ones that pay the dearest price are the children. Please, i am asking you guys to just send some good thoughts out there not only for him, but for his three kids as well. Think of his kids and send them the good of your hearts so that their hearts dont suffer. You can feel free to use my journal to send out a message to the gentleman if you wish, just address the post to "S", he will know who you are talking to.
As for me and mine, we are fine, just grumpy due to cabin fever, but i am glad that you guys are all having positive things happen in your lives. I keep you in my thought and well wishes each day.
Much love all of you,

S' i really dont know what to say, but you know you can IM me anytime you want. I have always been there for my friends, I am a good listener. you have already dispenseed so much wisdom and advice to me... i can only hope there is so much more i can learn from you