Title says it all really... @naiser came home with demi and they'd bought this adorable pink kitten hoody and Salem is our model.
I can't even...
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Title says it all really... @naiser came home with demi and they'd bought this adorable pink kitten hoody and Salem is our model.
I can't even...
So back in January I met @naiser for the first time. We didn't talk much and she thought I was completely useless after my rambling drunken directions :p
A couple of weeks later she needed a new place to live so I offered because I'm a nice person sometimes. It helped that she was friends with people I trusted, so that trust was extended. As...
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So late last Sunday or early Monday morning I got a message from @naiser asking if I was up for having a tattoo done on Monday afternoon, short notice and you know working but I have come to expect no less from this particular girl.
I didn't have any tattoo's before since I had never quite felt happy with how what I saw in my...
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Dying today from too much gym, feel great that I'm finally pushing myself and working out though. Even if I can't lift my arms without it burning 🔥
So yesterday was 1hr at the gym with my P. Then met up with @naiser and did another hour of cardio at a tiny gym, followed by dinner and then another 1 1/2 hours of gym >.>...
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So I was talking with @lucerne and some anime shows came up and skip to the end... Here's a list in no particular order for her and the rest of you; some old, some new, some more adult and scary and some more childish and silly. I hope you enjoy at least one of them :)
Steins; GateSo fairly often I don't see anyone at all for a week or two. This used to be longer but now I have some people I like to see in London :) anyway when I am not seeing anyone and I have no work coming up I tend to not speak at all.
If I go to the supermarket I use the self-checkout, if I...
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