Oohh, a blog homework I can do.
This week's theme is "Describe the first time you saw Star Wars"... and I can't honestly remember when I saw the original trilogy for the first time. I must have been really young. When I was a teenager (13) we moved to Hawaii because my dad was stationed in Pearl Harbor. They did a re-release of the movies in the late 90s, and my brother took me to go see The Empire Strikes Back and I very clearly remember this (which is why this is my fave of all the movies).
HOWEVER. I became friends with a girl named Cassidy in high school and she was a big Star Wars nerd. We were super excited for the prequels to come out (lol) and Episode One was releasing towards the end of my sophomore year of high school. My parents had already left Hawaii to move us back to the mainland and I was spending the last month and a half living there bouncing between friends houses. No one was honestly paying attention to me and it was the first real taste of freedom I had, at 15. I was basically a good kid and how much trouble can you get into on an island in the middle of the Pacific anyway? So Cassidy and I plotted and decided we were going to skip school and go see The Phantom Menace.
So one of the first times I ever did anything "bad"... was just that I was a big nerd... and I skipped school to watch god damn Jar Jar Binks. Maybe that's a little embarrassing to admit haha.