Okay.. For the very first time in my life, I saw someone get tasered. I shouldn't really be as excited as I am, but I'm pretty sure it was the most awesome thing I have ever seen. I made the mistake of going to Santa Monica Beach this past week.. It was absolutely ridiculous. It was jam packed wall-to-wall people. Thug Paradise, I think is a more appropriate name for the beach. I saw two dead seals on the beach (quite an unexpected suprise.. because I don't see that crap on the East Coast...) which was quite disturbing. Waited in line for 45 minutes just to use a shitty little bathroom. Then, was harassed by greedy boardwalk "performers" because they somehow think they deserve tons of "donations" for their crap ass tricks? I didn't ask them to whore themselves out in public, why should I pay them!?
But more importantly... To the best part of my adventure... The jackass getting tasered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this huge guy jumping around infront of the Beach Patrol (I suppose) Office making a huge scene. I could only have assumed it was another jerk "performer." So, like any other person, I stopped and stared. To my delight, he was NOT a performer... but some asshole about to be arrested.
I'm not sure what the whole story was. He just kept yelling the same things over and over and jumping around like an ape. "Officer, did I hurt you? Did I hurt you? That's not just some bitch!! It's my wife! She's my wife!" And then, bam... He gets tackled by three cops. But does his ranting stop? Oh no.. he keeps going on and on until finally one cop tasered his dumbass. I'm not sure why, but this massive guy was complete unaffected by it. He even made jokes to the cops about it. "Oh, you think that shit hurts me? You think I should be laying here all twitchy and shit?" So... after three attempts to taser him... I guess the L.A.P.D. gave up. They handcuffed him and took him into the police station that was conveniently 10 feet away.
None the less, it was amazing and I loved it. Perhaps the best part of my trip to Santa Monica... And I do believe I took a frontpage-worthy picture of it too, if I may say so myself.

I'm pretty sure they had hit him directly, he was only wearing a wife beater and shorts... but who knows. I was in complete amazement like a little kid watching Blue's Clues. And THAT, my friends, is all the matters.