Damn x maddness and babyshowers! At least I got that out of the way and I can enjoy the rest of my Saturday night! Hope you guys had a better one than I so far. Tell ya what if you haven't I'll make sure I drink an Adios Motherfucker just for you wink
if it wasn't for pain, i wouldn't have much at all...... wink
Drink some southern comfort instead..........Warm and tingly kinda like me...or .....cum. But I dont know about that shit dont drink it much these days..LOL SICK BASTID ARRR!!!
Damn it's hard for me to get off this site and do anything I'm supposed to do! But who wants to fuck around w/moving, and banks and crap! I'm tired of getting an I.O.U. for my days off! Ah...well...such is life................. surreal