so, i thought i'd try a little change of pace, purely as counter-narrative to the creeping fingers of depression slowly prising their way back into my life, and try to think of things that have made me smile lately, in no particular order.
- doing the SB shoot with Smurf
- all the wonderful comments everyone made
. it's been a tremendous ego boost. thank you all.
- cpussycat's panda photos. it really is wonderful that so many have been born lately.
- everyone who's read, and commented on, my writing. i often feel like i'm not so very accessible for others, but you've all helped to at least diminish that feeling.
- the fact that i'll be the featured poet at for june. it's not as if it'll be a real jumpstart for my writing career or anything, but it's a poetry collective i'm truly happy to be a part of. especially as i really respect the work of all the others involved, in particular that of the razor-tongued Matina, editoress. you should all go check out!
- ladyjane's always inspiring immersion in her own creative work. always makes me smile.
- the fact that i'll (hopefully) be meeting Lobster_Mobster soon.
- Lynda Barry's novel "Cruddy" - its incredibly fucked up, but her relentless invention and startlingly accurate language make it a joy to read.
- the film version of A Scanner Darkly. I swear I was laughing every thirty seconds. Not that it's a comedy.
- Telegraph Ave at night, blue fairy-lights skimming the rain-sheeted streets. The lost and merely wandering sending their smoky breath spiralling off into the sodium-arc sky.
- the sounds of Sssss
- Val Capone's BlackHeart magazine
- the hissing bubble of champagne on the tongue.
- the fact that my housemate and i finally talked out (most of) my problems with her.
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'd love it if anyone would care to add to this list their own reasons to smile. I could use a few spared grins.
- doing the SB shoot with Smurf
- all the wonderful comments everyone made
- cpussycat's panda photos. it really is wonderful that so many have been born lately.
- everyone who's read, and commented on, my writing. i often feel like i'm not so very accessible for others, but you've all helped to at least diminish that feeling.
- the fact that i'll be the featured poet at for june. it's not as if it'll be a real jumpstart for my writing career or anything, but it's a poetry collective i'm truly happy to be a part of. especially as i really respect the work of all the others involved, in particular that of the razor-tongued Matina, editoress. you should all go check out!
- ladyjane's always inspiring immersion in her own creative work. always makes me smile.
- the fact that i'll (hopefully) be meeting Lobster_Mobster soon.
- Lynda Barry's novel "Cruddy" - its incredibly fucked up, but her relentless invention and startlingly accurate language make it a joy to read.
- the film version of A Scanner Darkly. I swear I was laughing every thirty seconds. Not that it's a comedy.
- Telegraph Ave at night, blue fairy-lights skimming the rain-sheeted streets. The lost and merely wandering sending their smoky breath spiralling off into the sodium-arc sky.
- the sounds of Sssss
- Val Capone's BlackHeart magazine
- the hissing bubble of champagne on the tongue.
- the fact that my housemate and i finally talked out (most of) my problems with her.
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'd love it if anyone would care to add to this list their own reasons to smile. I could use a few spared grins.
Do what you gotta do... but nothing cute and fun that says "meow" rhymes with toe socks.