It smells like worms outside.
re. X-Men 2
Note to the world of advertising: please, please *please* stop placing commercials for thinks like soft-drinks and such at the beginning. That Powerade commercial with the Hugo Weaving/Agent Smith double just makes me sad and cringe and almost resent the Matrix. Anyone who doesn't understand this has no right reading my journal.
(Note to the Marines ad: that kid shouldn't be free-climbing that mountain alone...yes, I get the message and the poignancy of it, ok? Just give him a rope next time. Sheesh, and people worry about their kids emulating Jackass stunts.)
Note to Brian Singer: thank you for putting Nightcrawler in X-men 2. I almost gave up hope on that guy as my fav. , but that intro sequence saved me.
And why ya got ta make it so sad? It didn't help that Visi looks just like Jean Grey/Phoenix/Fammke Jennsen. Fuck, I wept like a little kid at some points. Ok, not a little kid. I think my tear-ducts are incapable of producing moisture as of a few years ago --I know someone who suffers from that, actually. Can that happen later in life? I suppose anything is possible.
Trying to understand and be strong, breaking down like a dumb kid that I am then waking up and repeating the process. Persepective + time = ???
Enough sadness and shit. let me rant about this thing I saw last night.
At The Pie last night -- my favorite pizza place of going on seventeen years -- my two friends and I were hunkering down on a "spinach and green olive small" when all of a sudden, five of the loudest fucking sorority girls come down the stairs -- the place is in a little dive-y basement -- and start carrying on. Oh, did I mention they were all decked out in new-wave clothes...dare I use the word, "electroclash"? *shudder at that word* Then, about four more come in...repeat ad. nauseum. Immediately, they start screaming happy birthday to someone in their party. It was a gross spectacle made even grosser when one of them went outside and made "blowfish" gestures on the window behind us, then proceeded to do push-ups.
You have to understand my affinity for this particular pizza parlour. Back when I hung out there in high-school, it was the most disgusting place ever: ice on the floors due to no heater, the smoking section was divided only by some invisible line in the center, all the punk kids hung out there, all the goth kids hung out there. At times, it seemed like a dangerous place because it was louder than hell at all times. You could write on the walls and no one cared, and if they *did* care, they just wrote over it.
A gorilla wouldn't even take a crap in there.
But you loved it
It was beautiful and the pizza was greasy and heavenly, and for a few moments there it actually felt like you were in another place like London or New York and anywhere but Salt Lake City. Now, families go there to dine and it's completely full of frat-guys.
Cue Bruce Springsteen..."Glory Days"...SCRATCH
There is no way in *hell* that Bruce will get in on this story. Pick me a good song to complement my nostalgia.
re. X-Men 2
Note to the world of advertising: please, please *please* stop placing commercials for thinks like soft-drinks and such at the beginning. That Powerade commercial with the Hugo Weaving/Agent Smith double just makes me sad and cringe and almost resent the Matrix. Anyone who doesn't understand this has no right reading my journal.
(Note to the Marines ad: that kid shouldn't be free-climbing that mountain alone...yes, I get the message and the poignancy of it, ok? Just give him a rope next time. Sheesh, and people worry about their kids emulating Jackass stunts.)
Note to Brian Singer: thank you for putting Nightcrawler in X-men 2. I almost gave up hope on that guy as my fav. , but that intro sequence saved me.
And why ya got ta make it so sad? It didn't help that Visi looks just like Jean Grey/Phoenix/Fammke Jennsen. Fuck, I wept like a little kid at some points. Ok, not a little kid. I think my tear-ducts are incapable of producing moisture as of a few years ago --I know someone who suffers from that, actually. Can that happen later in life? I suppose anything is possible.
Trying to understand and be strong, breaking down like a dumb kid that I am then waking up and repeating the process. Persepective + time = ???
Enough sadness and shit. let me rant about this thing I saw last night.
At The Pie last night -- my favorite pizza place of going on seventeen years -- my two friends and I were hunkering down on a "spinach and green olive small" when all of a sudden, five of the loudest fucking sorority girls come down the stairs -- the place is in a little dive-y basement -- and start carrying on. Oh, did I mention they were all decked out in new-wave clothes...dare I use the word, "electroclash"? *shudder at that word* Then, about four more come in...repeat ad. nauseum. Immediately, they start screaming happy birthday to someone in their party. It was a gross spectacle made even grosser when one of them went outside and made "blowfish" gestures on the window behind us, then proceeded to do push-ups.
You have to understand my affinity for this particular pizza parlour. Back when I hung out there in high-school, it was the most disgusting place ever: ice on the floors due to no heater, the smoking section was divided only by some invisible line in the center, all the punk kids hung out there, all the goth kids hung out there. At times, it seemed like a dangerous place because it was louder than hell at all times. You could write on the walls and no one cared, and if they *did* care, they just wrote over it.
A gorilla wouldn't even take a crap in there.
But you loved it
It was beautiful and the pizza was greasy and heavenly, and for a few moments there it actually felt like you were in another place like London or New York and anywhere but Salt Lake City. Now, families go there to dine and it's completely full of frat-guys.
Cue Bruce Springsteen..."Glory Days"...SCRATCH
There is no way in *hell* that Bruce will get in on this story. Pick me a good song to complement my nostalgia.
i actually pointed out my stupid prices in class, and people just stared at me. i said, "hey, if you wanna give me $69.95, i'll bring in the hat tomorrow". crickets chirped.