Again, go check out my friend Jacob. Say hi. He's fragile.
A story. Lets see if I have time to finish it.
I didnt get a start on skating until I was 15 financial reasons, mostly but when I did, oh man. My friends and I subjected ourselves to the most EXTREMMMEEE pain (ha), all for a rush nothing like Boojis zen, but oh well.
One day, my friend Ben and John F decided to check out this reservoir we heard about near our house. It was a three-mile hike up the mountain, but we braved the elements: tumbleweeds, birds, an occasional chipmunk. We arrived to find half of it covered in muck and water and the other half covered in dust and debris I immediately recognized it from age eight when I caught a hellbender (salamander) in the middle of winterodd.
We promptly took to sweeping out a path with our feet so we could drop in. Well, the place was enormous, and not one of us an experienced pipe-ridin, drop-in expert was (that sentence made me feel dirty, but all in the name of funny). I decide to take the first run, since Im usually such a wuss. Yeahumdont go up as high as I did, ok? I was probably up sixteen feet or so, didnt look down I promise none of us drank or did drugs, it was all stupidity and dropped in. It was one of those moments when you realize, Oh no, what have I done. The speed was blinding in that three seconds until I hit the transition, which none of us noticed before had a serious lip. I bounced a little and celebrated that I was in the clear. Damn. All of a sudden, my board slides out sideways from underneath me and I slide ten feet, face first, on my knee and elbow the opposite knee and elbow that I had recently scarred jumping sideways out of a truck to water balloon some junior high kids. I guess the dust and dirt was too much for my wheels, as they gave up the ghost on that run.
I stand up, bloody, limping and no, I didnt think it was awesome or cool or extreme this was the 80s before America invented that aesthetic.
My friend John is standing up near where I was and decides he shouldnt start as high as I did. After stepping down a few feet, he drops in, makes the transition, does a celebration look, board whips out and slides on his back!!!!! It was a serious body grind that ripped his shirt in half. Were both hobbling and shaking as we yell at our friend Ben for being such a pussy as he backs out of dropping in. Hey, he was a much more experienced skater, he could do it.
We walked the three miles back to my house and poured Bactine on each other on my front lawn as my mom laughed at us. Thanks a lot mom.
You know youre addicted to SG ifyou write stories in Word and paste them in later, *then* justify it by putting it in your personal journal. Well, it only took twenty minutes.
A story. Lets see if I have time to finish it.
I didnt get a start on skating until I was 15 financial reasons, mostly but when I did, oh man. My friends and I subjected ourselves to the most EXTREMMMEEE pain (ha), all for a rush nothing like Boojis zen, but oh well.
One day, my friend Ben and John F decided to check out this reservoir we heard about near our house. It was a three-mile hike up the mountain, but we braved the elements: tumbleweeds, birds, an occasional chipmunk. We arrived to find half of it covered in muck and water and the other half covered in dust and debris I immediately recognized it from age eight when I caught a hellbender (salamander) in the middle of winterodd.
We promptly took to sweeping out a path with our feet so we could drop in. Well, the place was enormous, and not one of us an experienced pipe-ridin, drop-in expert was (that sentence made me feel dirty, but all in the name of funny). I decide to take the first run, since Im usually such a wuss. Yeahumdont go up as high as I did, ok? I was probably up sixteen feet or so, didnt look down I promise none of us drank or did drugs, it was all stupidity and dropped in. It was one of those moments when you realize, Oh no, what have I done. The speed was blinding in that three seconds until I hit the transition, which none of us noticed before had a serious lip. I bounced a little and celebrated that I was in the clear. Damn. All of a sudden, my board slides out sideways from underneath me and I slide ten feet, face first, on my knee and elbow the opposite knee and elbow that I had recently scarred jumping sideways out of a truck to water balloon some junior high kids. I guess the dust and dirt was too much for my wheels, as they gave up the ghost on that run.
I stand up, bloody, limping and no, I didnt think it was awesome or cool or extreme this was the 80s before America invented that aesthetic.
My friend John is standing up near where I was and decides he shouldnt start as high as I did. After stepping down a few feet, he drops in, makes the transition, does a celebration look, board whips out and slides on his back!!!!! It was a serious body grind that ripped his shirt in half. Were both hobbling and shaking as we yell at our friend Ben for being such a pussy as he backs out of dropping in. Hey, he was a much more experienced skater, he could do it.
We walked the three miles back to my house and poured Bactine on each other on my front lawn as my mom laughed at us. Thanks a lot mom.
You know youre addicted to SG ifyou write stories in Word and paste them in later, *then* justify it by putting it in your personal journal. Well, it only took twenty minutes.