Been thinking more about the whole tattoo thing. Other ideas that have sprung to my mind are a memorial tattoo of my old relationship that tanked. Somethng with a Gemini symbol and a lotus flower on a heart that is breaking in half. I hope to head to the shop later this week or next and talk to them about designs and what not.

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I can not wait to hear more of what you have been up to my friend!
follow me please
Been thinking of getting another tattoo. I only have one small one I got back in 2008. I thought about getting a tattoo dedicated to Hecate. She is the Goddess that I venerate. But I am not sure as to what type of tattoo to her I should get. I would love it to have her symbolism.. crossroads, black bitch, etc. but besides that I...
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Did you ever end up getting this Goddess tattoo?
Life has a funny way of tossing curve balls at people. One minute you are trucking along with your soulmate and the next thing you know she is telling you that you dont listen. Life can play cruel cruel games with your heart.. cruel painful games that take you by suprise and make you second guess your place in the world. She thinks you dont...
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