Last night was awesome. SO awesome. You could probably see the afterglow emanating from me. So i'm talking to this girl online last night that I met thru Craigslist(THANK YOU, MadScience!!!) and she invites me to come over to her place. Well things go on from there and guess what was the best part? I was actually good. I was not expecting that. i was expecting to last 5 seconds and be a disappointment, but, no. By some act of something, I ended up being the best she's ever had. And, yes, I am bragging, but why not? She didn't believe that I was a virgin. It took awhile to finally convince her that I was. We didnt get out of bed until 4:30 this afternoon. I'm sorry if you all really dont want to know or if you don't care, but I'm fucking joyous over this shit. i wasnt expecting to be too great in bed, but last night has given me confidence.
I'm happy.
13 more days til Slipknot!!!
29 til MuDvAyNe!!!
I'm happy.

13 more days til Slipknot!!!
29 til MuDvAyNe!!!
