So I landed in America in Spokane a few days ago. My two friends picked me up from the airport after being in the air for 20 hours and being awake for nearly 30! To say I was tired was an understatement! They booked a hotel so I could actually lay down and sleep for the night.
We've been out of reception zones for the last few days camping and it has been amazing. One of the things I really wanted to do on this trip is to disconnect for a while. It's so easy to get caught up in the Internet and have your face in your phone so I'm glad I'm disconnecting to reconnect not only with my friends but with myself as well. I came out of a really emotionally abusive relationship a few months ago where I pretty my felt like absolute crap.
So this holiday and break away from home is exactly what I need.
We camped throughout a few spots in Glacier National Park, which for those followers who are from the states will know is absolutely massive!
Here's a pic as we pulled over and took some photos on the drive 'The Road to the Sun' road. So many pretty sights!
I also feel like I so did not pack enough winter gear. I'm visiting so many states that will still be in warm climates that I totally skipped the cold weather gear haha. Oops!
Last nights camp sight spot was lovely AND not too far from an entry point for a beautiful trekking spot. We decided to go about 8miles in.... Miles, I'm so used to Km still that one trying to convert it each time I see it on maps haha.
Anyway! Here's some of the amazing views!
We got told there was an almost guarantee to see moose, but alas, no sightings :( We did however see lots of little chipmunks, one even stopping to eat some flowers right in front of us which when I get my camera back home ill upload a blog with proper photos. For now it's just phone pictures.
On the way back at the end of the trek, tired and sore a little family of deer walked right out in front of us!
My logs may be few and far between as the first couple of weeks in the trip are out of reception range so I'll update where possible so stay tuned for all my nature and holiday spam.