It's official, I adore and am adored.
Overall, you people did a horrible job making my pal l3ement feel loved. If you took the time to greet him, thankya. If not, choke on something.
Counting down to a big showdown with time itself. I'm currently winning battles, but perhaps not the war.
Going to New York for the weekend, to see Wicked, and meet up with important people, such as former member/lurker yessirmrsir, and - you guessed it - the one and only Juby Peva. Sorry I can't see the rest of you cats, there just isn't enough time.
So, yeah. I'll be back. Keep my seat warm.
Overall, you people did a horrible job making my pal l3ement feel loved. If you took the time to greet him, thankya. If not, choke on something.
Counting down to a big showdown with time itself. I'm currently winning battles, but perhaps not the war.
Going to New York for the weekend, to see Wicked, and meet up with important people, such as former member/lurker yessirmrsir, and - you guessed it - the one and only Juby Peva. Sorry I can't see the rest of you cats, there just isn't enough time.
So, yeah. I'll be back. Keep my seat warm.
I'm glad you found room for me.
I shall live to regret facilitating this alliance.