Okay guys, last blog was an old SG homework assignment because it seemed like the funniest to write, today I wanted to do the latest one until I discovered it was.... (dramatic music)
My reaction basically was this :
Because, to be honest, I take SHITTY SELFIES ! So - if we're talking cellphone pics obviously - my tips would be : take a shitload of pictures, then proceed to delete all the blurry and weird ones, then crop it to hide the pile of dirty laundry/the ugly radiator/coffin in the background, and then blast it with filters so it doesn't look as bad.
I guess the best tip would be : use a proper camera. And the bestest tip surely is : use a PHOTOGRAPHER.
This is completely paradoxical since I'm also such a lazy person, but my best advice is : WORK. Find what you want to work for and WORK. When you find something (hopefully several) worth dedicating yourself to, I feel like working is what helps people being happy. I don't mean wholly dedicating yourself to this thing or only having whatever you work for in your life, but working hard makes the pauses and leisure times delightful
I'm a creative person and my job is to create so it's kinda easy for me to say, since being a good artist or craftsman (I consider myself a craftsman instead of an artist because I'm an illustrator, not a gallery-artist, it's based on commission) is not, contrary to what some people seem to believe, a gift but a talent : an aptitude you develop and use.
What I dislike the most is people who don't try to get better, may it be as a person, in their field, in their relationships... Living is learning, and this "I am what I am"/"I'm too old to change"/"boys will be boys" crap is pure bullshit. I don't believe in goals because what do you do when you achieve your goal ? On the other hand I believe what's important is the road you had to walk to achieve it, that's why you don't even need a goal to go the way. You just have to get of your ass and try, even if you don't succeed, that's not the point.
So, what is the thing you guys are working on ?
If you've read some of my blogs before, you already know my two sweet little ladies, Ernestine and Dracula. (major catspam ahead) (if you like then follow me on instagram, Im catspam queen ! Look for kermitmcgregor)