I know I have disappeared for a long long time, it's been more than two months since my last blog... Well, lots of things happened, such as : I got back to school, my computer broke, then my cellphone was stolen, I started working in a restaurant, I finally got a flat and moved out...
Moaning about things that suck :
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Last year was crazy and I thought I couldn't be busier, but that was sooooo far from the truth. At the moment, I have 30 hours of classes, around 50 hours of homework, and 15 hours of work a week. It doesn't leave a lot for sleeping, so leisure has been cut down significantly... It's really strange to go from partying a lot every week-end, to working from 8pm everyday (yeah, I do mean I don't have week-ends anymore). I miss being able to get properly drunk regularly

... On the other hand it's great to be independent, and it wouldn't be possible otherwise, so... I've had the chance to have people at my place all the time, to keep me from going insane.
But the past weeks have been quite hard, I've had four relationships ending in a row (yeah, I'm dumped more than I officially date people, I think someone might have forgotten to tell me I am a disposable napkin instead of the usual girl)...
On top of that, things are getting hard at school, I totally SUCK when it comes to fine arts. I guess I was right when I said I truely was an illustrator. It's really frustrating to work THIRTY HOURS on a piece and be told it's shit. I went on a really rough patch, but I decided to let go of the steam (after a crazy night involving several different drugs and my best friend - before work, yeah) and concentrate on my personal projects. Fuck them. (on the other hand my illustration courses have being going like a dream

Luckily I have awesome friends around.
Speaking of friends, my other best friend will be joining the hopefuls soon... I shot her set, I know I am far from being good at photography, and it doesn't do her justice, but I'm quite proud ! Stay tuned, more info to come ! But because I have been so unfaithful to SG, a preview :
Isn't she glorious ? She's not just gorgeous, she's also the greatest girl ever. She's the funniest, the best to go on adventures with, I know nothing more relaxing than to just laugh our problems off together. What's the use of being sad when you've got friends like her ?
Stay tuned, and love to all of you !