key lime pie. POG. potatos and cajun gravy. rock shrimp linguini with extra parm and tomatos. Cleaver the waving kitchen man. "show us your tits!"

Okay, I will soon...
Ummm....Anatomy was good. Good movie to add to my Franka collection. Didn't do too much today. Going to spend the rest of the night listening to music, drinking tea and playing Civ III.
Busy day...worked in the yard...went to Ozone and bought Slick Idiot tic...ate dinner at the Outback with my brother-Mmmmmm...drove around aimlessly...worked in the yard some more. Now it's too hot. My haus is like an oven. At least the bottom floor is cool...I actually miss winter and the rain...I bought another Franka Potente film today called Anatomy. It looks kind of scary. I'm almost too...
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Ugghh...Just noticed that it's past midnight! Guess I won't be going out tonight. I've been too busy messing around with LiveJournal.com. Just added a user profile. Seems like a pretty cool site. Lots of friends using it. Also seems to be a lot of SG fans on it. Well, I best get some sleep-I've got yard work to do and a trip to O-zone to...
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Yes, I was at the KMFDM show. I'll look for you at Slick Idiot to say "hi".
I finally got off my lazy arse and did it. The miracle of caffeine..
Yay, the Timbers won! Nothing else to put here today...
quick question: have you seen me around portland? I'm just curious how recognisable I am or not.
Seen you around? Hmmm. Possibly, but I'm not sure. Maybe at a live gig or perhaps a club? Truthfully, I'm not quite sure.
Okee...Must say that Embers was fun lastnight. However, they did play a little too much '80s wave and industrial for my liking (makes me feel old. Most of the younger people probably never heard of some o' the bands). Got to the club 'round 10 and for the 1st hour or so they played good (new) industrial and a little EBM music. From then on...
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Ummmm.....it feels like Friday. Had some yummy liquer filled chocolates at work today (made the day much more enjoyable). They were an office hit. Tonight-off to Embers to get jiggy. Gotta work Friday and then it's the weekend!!!!!! Getting excited for the PDX International Bier Fest the weekend of the 13th of Juli. Mmmmm.....bier!
Thinking about getting a new tattoo just as soon as I have the cash to do so. Any suggestions? Right now I am thinking of getting the scary face as seen on Nightbreed Reocrds CDs (see http://www.nightbrd.demon.co.uk/). Most likely on my upper left arm. Any other groovy suggestions are most welcome. Oh, and don't forget to floss the teeth that you want to keep!
mmmmmmmm....Okay, too much thinking today = ?!!
Gotta go to work...Five days off is nice, but going back to work after really sucks. I think that I've almost forgotten how to work or where. 8-)
Wow....back from Victoria, BC just like that...Very nice city-much friendlier than most in the USA. Good exchange rate as well. I highly recommend visiting Victoria if you get the chance. If you go you must be sure and take the Ghost Walk Tour of the city-it was very interesting. Now I must catch up on sleep....