soooo...i've decided to enter my dog in the world's ugliest dog competition...once she gets old enough....maybe next year when she's 2....the only picture i have of her is actually pretty cute...but an an indepth description would do her more justice: she's a chinese crested (of course)...and she's naked pink with orange-ish hair, but her hair never grew out all the way, it's only about an inch long...she's got skin tags on the right side of her face and on her left ear...she's mostly naked, except the little bit of a mohawk she has, and some fuzz on her feet and the end of her tail...she's covered in blemishes...and has a few warts on her legs...she's got these random little stray white hairs all her body...she's got two knot in her tail...hahaha her teeth on the right side of her mouth never really grew in all the her tongue sticks out of her mouth a little bit...which is hilarious...her face is all wrinkly...just imagine a naked pink fruit bat...and you'll be pretty close! her name's FLEA...and she's my little munchkin

And for the record, I'm actually playing your "second fave" video game as we speak.