Ouch!! So, my half lined rib piece hurt like a mother fucker...and I got a pit bull ^___^

He is so cute!

smile mmm
So, I pretty much work for the corprate devil....aka Wal-Mart. It's not all that bad I guess.

Getting a new tattoo tonight, a freaking rib piece...Ack! >.<

Wish me luck against the whining. blush
good luck...pictures when its done!
bah..so my brother moved to vegas and my mom went to portland, them both having left me with my PYSCHO sister in law...damn..

and, for a job interview, I took my septum ring out, forgot to put it back in that night..and it grew in...


But, I got the job.

I got my septum pierced!! yay!!! It didn't even hurt!!! ^__^

But, of course, with my luck, my niece head-butted me the next day...and I cried a little...ouch. shocked
SO GLAD to hear youre working with big cats!! BIG CATS ROCK!!!! biggrin so excited for you. cant wairt to see the septum piercing, get some photos baby

Das flu!! Totally sucks the green cock. I hate being sick and puking my guts out..not fun.
Thanks for commenting on me & Saint's rejected set (A late "thank-you", but a "thank-you" nonetheless! wink )
I'm glad you enjoyed it.


I hope you feel better soon!
Got my hair did...Shorter and bright electric blue underneath. And while getting my hair done, the mirror fell off the wall onto my head. I tell you what....it hurt like a bitch...

Also...I am totally upset about Heath Ledger...I am utterly heartbroken and in a perpetual state or mourning at the moment.

Thanks for your comment on me and Saint's rejected set smile I'm glad you enjoyed it.
If you want to go back and write more than "I loved it!" we'd appreciate it! We are always looking for more detailed feedback.

changed the control of the birth, and now I am all nauseus (I really have no clue ho to spell that) all the time..

ick..totally blows...


Work sucks...Well, not work, but the other employees...

haha, work is surely lame but money is very neccessary when youre used to it. how are you and your loverboy? SHOW US YOUR NEW TATT pleeeeeeeeease

It has been SOOOOOOO LONG! SOOOO much has happened and I have been soooo busy it is not even funny...

Danny, my friend, and two of his step children died at the end of September.
I came down with an oh-so-wonderful ulcer.
I had a most traumatizing experience at Barter Fair this October.
3 days after that, I wound up in the hospital for...
Read More
i am so sorry that your friend lost step children, and about your sister-in-laws father.. that would be incredibly hard. ulcers suck! what was the traumatic experience, if i may ask? anxiety attacks arent fun.. been there frown
sounds like alot of drama!!! im hoping things are much better now. X
Holy shit...been like, a month since I have been on here....

Canadian friend moveded down here...I luff herz...

Only two cooks at work now..so I only have one day off a week...bummer

Got to go to my family reunion...which was pretty fun

Movin in with the BF....but I ditll won't be getting laid too often...lol wink