I have some SERIOUS catching up to do on all my BH... It makes it difficult when I only have a phone. Would be SOO much easier with a computer. Anyway...
My first job was at a grocery store called Food Lion. I was just a little under 16 when I first started working there. At the time I was dating a guy from school who also worked there, so that was kind of the Biggest reason why I was able to get the job. To be honest though it was a good starter job, I hated it. I didn't really fit in well and come to find out later on my boyfriend was pretty much sleeping with every single girl that we worked with. Lame. He also started becoming extremely emotionally mentally and even physically abusive and he started bringing that stuff to work. I didn't really want to get a job nor did I absolutely have to but I was trying to save up my money to go on some trip for some modeling thing that I was trying to do but that never really worked out and that's a story for a different blog. Anyway I worked there for a little less than a year eventually I got kind of tired of all my ex-boyfriend bullshit and was just ready to be the Frick out of there. I just couldn't stand it anymore and one day I got blamed for something that I didn't even do so I said fuck it and put my two weeks notice it and that was done.
Now for my second job of it wasn't too bad it was actually an ice cream place that was right across the street from the grocery store. I'm working for about a year and I made a lot of good friends. My boss was a little anal retentive. But he really was an actual Jew and it is kind of through what they say how they are with money LOL. I learned how to make ice cream, waffle cones, milkshakes, and smoothies as well as many other things. The best part was I got to take ice cream home. However I end up quitting this job because I wasn't really making as much money as I wanted to be making and I and up getting a job at a comedy club later on where I actually met a lot of different comedians from Kevin Hart, Charlie Murphy, Bruce Bruce, Pablo Francisco, and many many more. It was cool at first you know meeting all these different comedians and this was when they were up-and-coming and kind of between amateur and professional comedian. However, after a while the The whole starstruck thing guys out it's not that big of a deal it was just another day at work. I worked here for about a year and a half. Until I join the army and to this day the army was the best job I ever had.
Anyway until next time my Foexxes; remember that you are beautiful and you are worth something and do not let anybody tell you different.
Caio Bella's