So it looks like it is time to say good bye. As of the 17th I'm letting me subscription lapse. I just don't check in enough to make the $50 a year worth while. I will miss you all. Bye!
More Blogs
Monday Oct 31, 2011
i have a dead cat on my table. No this isn't the start of a spook… -
Thursday Oct 13, 2011
today is the first day where the bite in the air makes me think that … -
Tuesday Sep 27, 2011
another day, another... bit of debt? somehow that doesn't sound as ni… -
Thursday Sep 15, 2011
It was a scary day at my house today. I was dozing off after work whe… -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2011
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 35 years old. For some reason ages… -
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
Hi Everyone! I'm feeling happy today. It's going to be a good weeken… -
Monday Aug 08, 2011
holy shit, I've been gone since the 21st?!? Of July? Well, hell. That… -
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
oh crap. Civilization V is on sale for $17 on steam. (I resisted when… -
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
i have a shit ton of raspberries. I didn't start out with this ma… -
Thursday Jul 07, 2011
I bought my dog diapers today. Ollie's been having age related incont…