I know some of you may have thought I had been brutally murdered by coldandwet but in fact I am still alive! yay! He hasnt even beat me or anything to be honest. There was just some strange issues where my password didnt work and a replacement didnt come instantly and i was too lazy to follow it up and yadayada anyway. So:
* Im coming to the Edinburgh meet at the end of september, although im not technically in SGUK anymore due to me being about as active as a sloth on the threads the last two months, Im kinda going as sis date I guess. Either way I'm seriously looking forward to it and meeting those of you who are going especially barny and creamygoodness. Give me a shout if you are going.
* I can not wait to go back to Uni, even though my law degrees bores my lacy panties off me, sometimes literally, it beats painting and decorating and you cant beat the fun and games you can have oh so cheaply at the student union, plus al my friends piss off back to their home towns during the summer and i become a bit of a loner.
So this is my official resolution, to be more active on here as its an awesome site filled with amazing people who, quite frankly i am missing out by not knowing.
* Im coming to the Edinburgh meet at the end of september, although im not technically in SGUK anymore due to me being about as active as a sloth on the threads the last two months, Im kinda going as sis date I guess. Either way I'm seriously looking forward to it and meeting those of you who are going especially barny and creamygoodness. Give me a shout if you are going.
* I can not wait to go back to Uni, even though my law degrees bores my lacy panties off me, sometimes literally, it beats painting and decorating and you cant beat the fun and games you can have oh so cheaply at the student union, plus al my friends piss off back to their home towns during the summer and i become a bit of a loner.
So this is my official resolution, to be more active on here as its an awesome site filled with amazing people who, quite frankly i am missing out by not knowing.
Yay, good to see you back and it'll be fun to meet you at the end of September at the Scotland meet. 

again we always have this problem of never being active on sg but i have found out that there is an sguk meet in edinburgh from your post so i might see if i can get along to that and win my way in to sguk