Hey guys

Interested in shooting some new suicide girl hopeful sets for you guys.

Tag some photographers who may be interested or create good work?

I have had some issues to deal with as everyone does. Life is a bumpy road and unfortunately there are plenty of dips.. but here I am still standing and stronger from it all *I hope* haha.

I hope to...
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And for the togs: you definitely can't go wrong with @gemmaedwardsuk, @valo is doing some good work and seems to be fun to work with (she surely came by as a fun girl on the stage of the last Blackheart Burlesque;). I also enjoy sets by @paulina- they have this nice softness to them. If you can't get any of them, for whatever reason, I can always offer my humble services:) 
thankyou for the reccomendation @agruszka21 i had a blast!

your name on here?

Trying to separate my real name from my modelling and social media accounts

Instagram done/when my ban on fb lifts will try doing that/Twitter in process of

Looking to change my name on here to just Kaos or Kaos Model :)

Anyone help??

Thank you xx

@missy @lyxzen @rambo


You can. You must to send an email. I don't know the address and who is in charge now. Lyxzen isn't working for SG anymore. I think is modelassist(at)suicidegirls or something. Sorry for not being able to assist you further.
Thankyou xx



I think it would have to be to Young Thug Worth it.
Or something by Post Malone. Something slow that makes a sexual statement

Now i know it would not be everyones cup of tea.

But i think it really is a seductive song, good beat to dance to.

I would walk on stage, slowly or perhaps even crawl.

Put an audience...
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Either a machine or something to cuddle. Something that would be with me and stop the loneliness

Not being depressing something that could uplift those who do spend a lot of time alone.

Something perhaps to tell what peoples body language, due to my illness i am really not that great at reading body language sometimes. I need to read people better.

Simple, Short and...
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I haven't invented anything, but if you're lonely you should get a pet! Rabbits are pretty cool, or you could get a dog. 


@missy @lyxzen @rambo this one means a lot to me.

After some dramatic personal stuff as ever causing my absence from SG. I found this topic to be the most suitable.

I feel like at the moment.

My biggest accomplishment is still handling life and brushing things off my shoulder.
I am still modelling even though part of me wants to just hide away....
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So after seeing so many good posts and honest blogs concerning people's vices I wanted to share with you mine.

I apologise for my absence I have had a mad few weeks but I can see the gold at the end of the rainbow finally. The sun between the clouds and all that jazz. I love this site like a family member but with moving...
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"Make their lives more positive. I really enjoy being needed and helping others. " become a teacher?

I am a great writer and want to start a blog.

I feel like WordPress may be the best to go on

However advice from people that have blogs would be greatly appreciated or even comment with links to yours to have a gander

I want to write a blog about life and what I have been through...

...however I do not want it to...
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I'd recommend an alias. If you use a website that will host your blog, refrain from using your name & email address. Create a whole new email address if need be & use a fake name when signing up for that email as well. 