yeah, i hear that!! sho does suck...when does it stop sucking? so youre from michigan? me too...hazel park...just above detroit. prolly never heard of it. but i know some people from the port huron/st. clair area. glad you escaped. its much better out west!! gimme a shout. later, pink.
The hunt for a photographer is still on. I have an idea for a shoot. Thanks to all my friends for replying to my last journal. To Cuidadosl...I did in fact mispell his name sorry. I was loaded when I wrote that. LOL. It's been a long week, but it is almost over. TGIF!
hmmm, be your friend huh? what's my incentive? you like dali, but you spelled hid name wrong. i guess i can let it slide because the rest of your super cute profile makes up for it and as for the prince albert, don't worry, it won't be like a sprinkler when you pee....(i used to date a piercer) maybe some dribbling if you ever take it out, but thats the extent of it-so i think you should go for it! haha. good luck. i trust you'll make the right decision
I added a few more photos to my "Self Art" folder last night. Let's face it...i'm bored.
I still haven't found a photographer as of yet but i'm still looking. At least the weather is getting better, though I heard it's still gonna rain again soon. I really enjoy the rain. Talk to you peeps soon,