yay how fun was australia day!! ok so i've worked 6 shifts since tuesday and have 2 more tomorrow but who cares!
i have a horrible cold that turned me into a snot factory and for lunch i had cold and flu tablets. hahaha that still makes me laugh. tho its true. not recommended, it makes you kind of dizzy.
i want to
whoever passed it on to me
cancelling northbridge tonight (oh my friends will be SOOO surprised ps sarcasm) and if anything going joondalup. but being snot girl is not what i want to be remembered for
at least i have a wicked tan!!!
i have a horrible cold that turned me into a snot factory and for lunch i had cold and flu tablets. hahaha that still makes me laugh. tho its true. not recommended, it makes you kind of dizzy.
i want to

cancelling northbridge tonight (oh my friends will be SOOO surprised ps sarcasm) and if anything going joondalup. but being snot girl is not what i want to be remembered for
at least i have a wicked tan!!!
snot factory. that's a good one.
hope you feel better soon.