I've decided that I will add 'I have no intelligent thought to add to this discussion' whenever I want to say something that would get me kicked off the site.
thanks for the message, happy late birthday to you. i'm guessing you'll be busy, but if not, come check out my band on the 31st at the annex. talk to you later, thanks again
Edit: I wonder whats up with all the SG attention, all of a sudden?
I do think that perhaps, you should really read what I'm trying to say before you jump down my throat about how I'm being 'mean and insulting'. I'll first point out that, in this journal posting and the comments below, I explain that she manuvers her mouth in a way that... Read More
Monica: Oh definatly, I know what you're saying. But the chinese dog came to mind first, not because its a -dog-, but because of the odd face this particular dog makes. If I had seen this particular face in say, a celebrity, I would have used that as an example. If the particular expression I was seeing were painted in a well-known painting, I also would have prefured to use that, as well. But I've not seen this unnatural expression in anything or anyone other than one of those chinese lapdogs...and at that I was just talking about the mouth movement. It looked very posed and unnatural, and took away from what I thought the model -really- looked like (for example, I know it's a picture and everything, but you can't tell me some of the girls in here don't manuver their faces in such a way for some shots, or suck in their tummies in others, etc.). I stick by what I said -- the way she manuvered her face looked unnatural.
I'm tactless, I know. And I took it down, because after looking at it, it really -was- tactless. But I noticed some of the people posting the link to my journal in the main boards were doing so -only- to be attention-seeking drama whores IMHO. Especially the one attention-seeking-drama-whore who called me a -skank- in her journal. If I'm getting so beaten-down by speaking my mind (and yet, while doing so, not resulting to name-calling), then arn't their rules about blatent harassment such as that?
Not that I'm going to bring it to any admins' attention, however.
I hate it when people dress up cruelty and pettiness as honesty. This isn't the Howard Stern show, which I tend to enjoy very much because it wears its badge of cruelty with pride. The models aren't on here to be judged, they're on here to be appreciated.
Hey there, just spamming you with either a reminder, or a first notice --
I'm going to be on TechTV tonight via netcam for a segment in the show
I'm sitting in the datacenter at work, watching this guy work on his server and freezing my ass off. I'm kinda sick. I don't want to be at work today, but I wouldn't want to be fucking off at home, either.
I did the TechTV thing yesterday. Hopefully they don't edit me too much -- you know how TV is, and all. I got my... Read More
I swear I saw you meandering around town the other day...
[Edited on Oct 19, 2003 3:02AM]