I'm thankful! I'm blessed.. I'm amazed! I woke up this morning and was like WOW! Just sort of out of the blue WOW.. but a wow. Because I have some of the most amazing men in my life! I look and I see my brother.. and I think he's awesome! He protects me..he makes sure his little sister is well taken care of! He loves... Read More
For this and the last it's gmichealimages. A local photographer that works for experience and I get a cd of all the shots! He's really nice. I found him on Modelmayhem.com. You should sign up over there, lots of really good info.
OK..so I tried to edit my last journal..to add video..well.. I don't have the patients to wait for it.. it use to be you could edit..push the button wait a few seconds and then go to main and it would be done..not anymore.. so yeah.. another journal..with some edits to it..and youtubes..and I copied my last edit so I wouldn't have to type it again..and... Read More
and yay the Brian Deneke show was ALOT of fun! its nice to be able to do something really cool for a good cause, especially this time of the year! and yes, ben was a ton of fun too. glad you brought him!
I don't really wanna talk about work right now.. I'm so VERY frustrated.. however I do want to say... the weather sucks.. Ohio weather and probably Indiana weather just sucks.. it changes way too much.. one day it's nice the next day it's cold.. of course we have yet to get snow like Ms. Avidity has had.. in TEXAS!!! El Paso Texas.. I'm stell dumbfounded... Read More
So today has been a blah day.. it's one of those days I just pray for someone to call and say "hey lets go do something" and it never happens.. you know you want to run and hide..and just be away until everyone has gone to bed..so you don't have to see anyone.
My dads been on a war path.. NOT IN A GOOD MOOD... Read More
sometimes opening up and "blowing steam" helps out. It is a heck of a lot better than trapping it inside - and letting it fester inside you until it starts to hurt you physically.
sorry to hear about your day babe...it sounds like my stepdad gets the same way as your dad sometimes...which is why i'm ever sooo glad i left sometimes...i hope things get better...and i very well may see you soon too
I'm really tired.. Pooped is the word for it.. Went to Punk Nite Halloween.. dressed up.. and had a blast!! I love punk nites though.. and I always have fun! This is probably not going to be very long cause I'm tired.. and I feel like I could fall asleep while sitting here typing..lol.. I guess I'm writing to say I had fun at Punk... Read More
Boy oh boy doesn't it feel like fall outside today!! It's nice and cool, and the leaves are changing colors..it's great..and I love it.. and right now I want to have a bonfire.. I won't be happy until I do.. even if it's with Adam, Crystal, Ben, Brandy and Brady.. which might have to happen Tuesday or Weds.. cause I said SO!!
You do realize that in order to put your feet in the Pacific Ocean, you'd need to go out west, right? Unless you mean the Atlantic, which is the east coast.
Ok.. so it looks like fall outside.. smells like fall.. and even sounds like fall.. so why the hell does it NOT feel like fall outside! It sucks.. Ugh.. I'm telling you..
So last week I started to get e-mails from someone who calls themself Jesus.. when I got my first one..I just laughed because yeah..it's funny.. but now I'm starting to get annoyed. I... Read More
i'm so sorry that that guy is such a DICK. good call on the no sex anymore. but i still know how you feel. i'm sure we could exchange stories all night about guys who didn't see the value in us. you are amazing and i love you.
So.. here are some e-mails I have gotten from my friend.. I guess I now know where I stand..
In a message dated 10/17/2007 1:25:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hinderoccult@hotmail.com writes:
Why are you not online? I need to talk to you? I really think we can work through this, and come to an agreement. I mean does the sex really have to stop?... Read More
funny thing is, that is our shitty studio. MUCH better view, but the studio itself sucks ass. Yesterday was the first time that studio. I usually broadcast out of our Savannah studios which are nicer, but my window is to the parking lot of the Japanese restaurant next to us, so that is a bummer... AND, the studio here (savannah) has a wood door and its behind me and I can see if anyone is trying to get in. The Hilton Head studios has a glass paned door.... much better!
But, i love this studio!
Everyday.. I must take one step at a time.. and I know that with time.. I will get better! I wish I could just snap my fingers and everything would be normal again..but it's not.. at least not old normal! I've been shocked and amazed.. but I can get through this! I'm a strong person, and I have some amazing people standing... Read More
i was gonna ask if you got your tickets in the mail today and then i realized today is Columbus Day and there wasn't any mail! so hopefully tommorrow you get em!
Yes, the tattoo is on my ribs, and yeah, it hurt a bit. Haha.