Most of you will have no idea what happens in a day of the Blackheart Burlesque. Let me enlighten you;
Waking up, after sleeping in a coffin sized bed on a loud, very bumpy bus.
Load in. Carrying all of our props, costumes, merch and DJ equipment into the venue.
Setting up the dj equipment, sound checking the CDJs, laptop and mics.
Venturing out into an unknown town to try and buy some food, hopefully we find something!
Return to the bus, collect laundry and venture out to try and find a laundromat.
Return to venue and lighting tech, run through the whole show so the lighting technician can programme in the lights for the night.
Set up costumes, lay out everything we need for the night. All costumes, shoes, props and anything extra must be prepared.
Sign approximately 80 posters, DVDs and books for the VIPs that night.
Return to the dressing room and possibly fit in a shower if there is time/facilities. If not, you have to go without.
Cut up electrical and double sided tape for pasties for the entire show. The girls have 12 different pasties for the show. The tape has to be ripped off and re applied between each dance. Our nipples are very sore to say the least.
Return to laundromat to collect laundry.
Return to venue, do hair and make up in preparation for VIP dinner.
Attend VIP dinner. This is usually rushed because there is little time until doors open and we have to do the meet and greet then return to the dressing room. Approximately 20-30 minutes to eat a meal.
Meet and greet. Meeting you wonderful fans and taking photographs.
Returning to the dressing room and making final preparations for the show, making sure everything is in place.
THE SHOW BEGINS! This is my favourite part, because all you fans make it worth the work. Scream as loud as you can!!
We dance as hard as we can to make it the best show every time. Ankles are twisted, knees are grazed and nails are ripped off.
Quick changes occur all through the show, we all have about 3 minutes to change between each of our outfits. It's crazy.
After the show we come out to meet the dedicated few who have stayed to meet us. We take photos with you and sign books, boobs and everything in between.
Pack up. Making sure we have all our costumes together, all the props are in the box and no stray pasties have escaped.
Load out. Carrying all of the costumes, props and DJ equipment back to the bus.
Merch settle. Counting every single item of merch by hand and recording them. Handing over a portion of cash to the venue from the merch sales. Obviously the venues figure is usually higher than ours, so we have to figure this out.
Carrying every single box of merch back to the bus. We have to try and fit it into the bay. If not then we have to share our living space with the boxes. It's extremely cramped.
Possibly fitting in another shower after the show, because we're sweaty and covered in cake, Jack Daniels and blood. If not, tough luck.
Getting ready to attend the after party, so we can meet more of you fans and take lots of pictures!
Finally getting back to the bus at about 3am, and going back to sleep in our coffin beds on the loud, bumpy bus.
We do this everyday, we recently did an 8 day stretch with no days off. We try and post as many pictures on Instagram, tweets and blogs as we can. But sometimes, there is no time. Please forgive us <3
We do this for the fans. The money isn't great and the work is hard. And damn, I haven't seen my boyfriend, family, friends or cat in over 2 months, with still another month to go.
Thankyou for coming to our shows guys, and screaming as loud as you can. Because that's what we're here for!!
You guys deff deserve all the credit u can. Not many people know how involved you all are and that ur not just "talent". It must be so tiring but we thank you and can't wait for next year!!!