Party last night, and I had a blast. I spent most of the evening watching the fire dancers, and I dont know what was more heartening, seeing how good they were, or how far they had to go. Its nice to know in this area of ever-incresing conformity and gentrification, in some the spirit still burns strong. I was fortunate enough to see the second...
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Actual statistic:

Fastest growing market for antidepressants: Preschoolers.
scary thought.
I had the most not-fun dream last night. I dreamed there was this older, rock starish dude that I was talking and interacting with. He had me quite charmed by him. But as I lay on the bed, he turned and started to...I dont know. I could feel his fingers not so much chokin me as pressing down on the main arteries in my neck,...
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Tell me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.
- Assyrian proverb
that really is so true...
I'd like to be your friend. I would.

Call me sometime.
So, I'm wandering through the Target, looking for the tights because the ones I'm wearing are starting to let loose at the seams, and I've managed to somehow put two holes in the feet. Fine. Well, the ones I want to look at are at the bottom of the rack, so I crouch down and hear a rip.

Teriffic, I now have a gaping hole...
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im so happy you came to the party.. i had a great time and am gonna have another one soon! it was so nice to meet you and everyone and you know i was worried i had offended people with my pushiness and i know it can be a bit over the top sometimes but i think parties are for having a good time.. so i try to have a good time!! you were great!
p.s. i do have your shirt.. i was wondering whom it belonged to!!
Alone, Love Gone
Unknown (to me)

Alone, lost, empty, heart seeks love, gone
Two worlds collide, two lives come together
Beautiful world eyes see

Look beyond, alone no more
Admire, be inspired, laugh, love exists
Emotions, visions, dreams

Alone, afraid, cold, heart seeks love, gone
Two worlds collide, dancing, singing
Attraction, touching, breathing, alive

Together two lives, alone no more, side by side
Embrace, hold...
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I didnt have time to plan the outfit, so all the sexy stuff I thought might make the grade got tossed in a bag this morning, and away I went to work. After work I flew to a friend's house to change and prepare for the event. I wind up in cheap fishnets (the kind that are fishnets all the way up, with no nasty...
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The rattle of skates across a wooden floor.
The feel of wind in my hair.
The sweat on knees and elbows beneath the pads.
The stretch as I push to do things I've never done before.
The hoot and holler of the girls.

I am addicted. Tonight I almost threw it in, Deb wasnt going and I really only wanted to sulk. I know, its...
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I cant count the good things that have happened to me of late. Fantasm, derby, parties, playtime after playtime. There is so much brightness all around me, people who care, fun things to do, places to be, so much to cherish and love.

And still I'm going under. I dont keep up the journal anymore because despite having something to say, I cant bring myself...
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well i enjoy the time i get to spend with you and i absolutely adore you. i hope you are able to work your way out of this funk and have people closer to you than i am, to be there for you.
i don't know the details of what you're going through, but try to remember (just in case it's relevant) that depression is the mindkiller, baby - take it from one who knows. if you can get yourself to a place where you consciously realize that it is a false consciousness, that it is temporary and that it WILL pass, then just hang on right there for dear life and wait for the turn. sometimes that is all you can do, and in those moments it is enough. in time you will inevitably return to a more lucid perspective of the world and yourself.
I feel like I'm in mourning.

I'm in mourning for a way of life--I have watched over the last several years as increasingly many scenes have died. Not the yuppie scenes, if it has a dint of respectibility, its alive and well, you can be sure. But even as dreadlocks, piercings, and tattoos become mainstream and yuppified, the forrunners of these acts of rebellion are...
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I thoroughly enjoyed dinner and the movie with you. Hope to chill with you again.
I just stumbled on your journal after traversing the journal of a mutual friend on here, and I definitely believe this warrants a response in my own journal. I'll get some sleep on it and begin expounding.

What is your definition of conservatism? Are you more upset with the moral conservatives, fiscal conservatives, or the general idea that we're effectively living in an oligarchy?