Wow, thats freakin hysterical in that it's-so-pathetic-it's-funny kind of way.
So at midnight someone feels they have to call me up just to call me a cunt and hang up. The really hysterical thing is they hide their number from caller ID, but don't disguise their voice!!! *dies laughing* Could they BE any more obvious? Or rather, couldshe be any more obvious? Yes, I know exactly who this person is.
You know the really sad thing? She keeps trying to tell everyone I'm psycho, but you notice who feels the compulsive need to call whom at midnight just to call them nasty names and try to terrorize them. Oh yeah, there's the act of a balanced mind. Or maybe just a psyche that failed to grow past the age of fifteen--most of us grow out of this shit.
Okay, yeah, I know, posting this is pretty low brow and childish too, but I cant help it, I laughed so hard it actually hurt. I mean, there are some lousy weeks when I completely lose faith in all humanity, and gods know this past week really was one of those. Then something like this happens and just reminds me how absolutely absurd it all is, and how little it should be taken seriously. Sometimes the gods offer me a celestial joke, just to lighten the mood a little and remind me what I should be worrying about, and what is actually of no importance at all.
Its kinda nice.
You know, I really should thank her for the smile.
So at midnight someone feels they have to call me up just to call me a cunt and hang up. The really hysterical thing is they hide their number from caller ID, but don't disguise their voice!!! *dies laughing* Could they BE any more obvious? Or rather, couldshe be any more obvious? Yes, I know exactly who this person is.
You know the really sad thing? She keeps trying to tell everyone I'm psycho, but you notice who feels the compulsive need to call whom at midnight just to call them nasty names and try to terrorize them. Oh yeah, there's the act of a balanced mind. Or maybe just a psyche that failed to grow past the age of fifteen--most of us grow out of this shit.
Okay, yeah, I know, posting this is pretty low brow and childish too, but I cant help it, I laughed so hard it actually hurt. I mean, there are some lousy weeks when I completely lose faith in all humanity, and gods know this past week really was one of those. Then something like this happens and just reminds me how absolutely absurd it all is, and how little it should be taken seriously. Sometimes the gods offer me a celestial joke, just to lighten the mood a little and remind me what I should be worrying about, and what is actually of no importance at all.
Its kinda nice.
You know, I really should thank her for the smile.
It would only be childish if you posted identifying details so that WE could all phone her to call her a cunt and hang up. :cough: :cough:
i would be irritated and want to complain too. how lame.