Day one of fasting for better health.
I come home after dreaming of Zaxby's the better part of a day. I flip on the TV, ready to veg to some cartoons, seriously pondering if eating shelled sunflower seeds actually counts as eating. I mean, its not like you can actually fill up on those unless you're eating them unshelled and by the handful. I decide against it, it'll just make me hungrier.
I snap on the TV and:
Beast Boy is working the Meaty Meat fast food place.
There is a Kids Next Door medley going on involving a lunchroom teacher shoving food down the kid's throats.
There is a Kids next door dinner mystery involving a rainbow monkey and a missing lemon basted turkey with cranberry stuffing.
And just now Mandy comes on ordering a burger, a large fry, and a drink.
I'm doomed.
I come home after dreaming of Zaxby's the better part of a day. I flip on the TV, ready to veg to some cartoons, seriously pondering if eating shelled sunflower seeds actually counts as eating. I mean, its not like you can actually fill up on those unless you're eating them unshelled and by the handful. I decide against it, it'll just make me hungrier.
I snap on the TV and:
Beast Boy is working the Meaty Meat fast food place.
There is a Kids Next Door medley going on involving a lunchroom teacher shoving food down the kid's throats.
There is a Kids next door dinner mystery involving a rainbow monkey and a missing lemon basted turkey with cranberry stuffing.
And just now Mandy comes on ordering a burger, a large fry, and a drink.
I'm doomed.