There's just something immensely satisfying about using your body. To skate, to fight, to fuck, to run, to dance, to move until muscles burnand scream and collapse in a pile of satiation on the floor. Stillness, with nothing but your heartbeat in your ears and ragged breath escaping your lungs, pains from places you didntknow existed in you, and some you knew did. Looking in a mirroror on your skin, and there in bruise and blood a wound that's not a mark of shame, but of pride. A war wound. Not a stupid mistake, like falling down walking, but a sigil that notes your movement in life, the mark left by the footprint of action.
We are all animals, trapped inside the shackles of civilization, screaming to be free.
We are all animals, trapped inside the shackles of civilization, screaming to be free.
Applause Applause from the audiance. Kisses Cheri