I cant count the good things that have happened to me of late. Fantasm, derby, parties, playtime after playtime. There is so much brightness all around me, people who care, fun things to do, places to be, so much to cherish and love.
And still I'm going under. I dont keep up the journal anymore because despite having something to say, I cant bring myself to say it. I cant bring myself to care.
I'll never stop being what they call me. I'll never stop being a monster.
And still I'm going under. I dont keep up the journal anymore because despite having something to say, I cant bring myself to say it. I cant bring myself to care.
I'll never stop being what they call me. I'll never stop being a monster.
well i enjoy the time i get to spend with you and i absolutely adore you. i hope you are able to work your way out of this funk and have people closer to you than i am, to be there for you.
i don't know the details of what you're going through, but try to remember (just in case it's relevant) that depression is the mindkiller, baby - take it from one who knows. if you can get yourself to a place where you consciously realize that it is a false consciousness, that it is temporary and that it WILL pass, then just hang on right there for dear life and wait for the turn. sometimes that is all you can do, and in those moments it is enough. in time you will inevitably return to a more lucid perspective of the world and yourself.