So just imagine for a moment....a warehouse, and as far as the eye can see, nothing but used computer parts...and evey other day, a mac truck come in delivering more...stuff from Disney, from hospitals, from Chick-Fil-A, as well as from law firms, computer manufacturers, and from large corperations across the country....
.....and they all come to me. *gloats*
I'm being paid what I understand is a Radio Shack salary, $300 a week which equals about $7.50 an hour. But today alone through E-Bay autions I made almost $300 in sales, the comission of which I also receive. Thatsd my weekly paycheck I just sold today. If I sell that way all week, by the end of it I could make almost $600 in a week. 600 divided by 40 hours comes to....what? Approx $15 an hour?
So every week wont be that good. On the flip side, some weeks should be better. Its fairly easy to do, my boss is already on the lookout for a new hard drive for me (of which I might wind up paying $20 for, oh right, like even my slim wallet will be in pain over that), I get to play with lots of fun forbidden mechanics, my boss so far rules!!! (an incredible plus), and I can dye my hair weird colors, paint my nails all glittery, and wear jeans to work, and if I need a day off I can just clear it with him. Who the hell could ask for anything more?
So....anyone out there need computer parts? I got'cher connection right here, motha-fuckas!
Oh yeah, and my boss thought I was 21.
*double gloats*
I'm almost 30 and he thought I was 21, and he hasnt been the first, there was the 18 yr old I was so pleased about who said the same thing, and various others as well. Even my lawyer. *blissful sigh*
Yeah, I had a good day at work. *chuckle*
.....and they all come to me. *gloats*
I'm being paid what I understand is a Radio Shack salary, $300 a week which equals about $7.50 an hour. But today alone through E-Bay autions I made almost $300 in sales, the comission of which I also receive. Thatsd my weekly paycheck I just sold today. If I sell that way all week, by the end of it I could make almost $600 in a week. 600 divided by 40 hours comes to....what? Approx $15 an hour?
So every week wont be that good. On the flip side, some weeks should be better. Its fairly easy to do, my boss is already on the lookout for a new hard drive for me (of which I might wind up paying $20 for, oh right, like even my slim wallet will be in pain over that), I get to play with lots of fun forbidden mechanics, my boss so far rules!!! (an incredible plus), and I can dye my hair weird colors, paint my nails all glittery, and wear jeans to work, and if I need a day off I can just clear it with him. Who the hell could ask for anything more?
So....anyone out there need computer parts? I got'cher connection right here, motha-fuckas!
Oh yeah, and my boss thought I was 21.
*double gloats*
I'm almost 30 and he thought I was 21, and he hasnt been the first, there was the 18 yr old I was so pleased about who said the same thing, and various others as well. Even my lawyer. *blissful sigh*
Yeah, I had a good day at work. *chuckle*
Or is it all mainly consumer PC parts?
EDIT: WTH? I thought you were about 22 when I met you.
[Edited on Jul 13, 2004 10:52AM]
I like it when ppl think I'm younger than I am. I know it'll pay off for when I'm actually really old. lol.