I take no credit for anything between the lines:
Booze-flavoured ice cream chills activists
Sat Apr 3, 5:09 AM ET
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A new vodka-flavoured ice cream launched in Australia has provoked an outcry from groups worried it would give children a taste for alcohol.
The booze-flavoured Illicit Vodka Cranberry Magnum ice creams hit the shelves just months after biscuit-maker Arnott's new Tia Maria Tim Tams and Kahlua Slices prompted fears that the liquor-laced biscuits would encourage children to drink.
"These products normalise alcohol and suggest to people that they ought to be thinking about alcohol just about every hour of the day," said Geoff Munro, Community Alcohol Action Network director on Saturday.
"It introduces children to the taste of alcohol at potentially a very early age and I think that should be avoided," he told Australian Associated Press.
Streets, which makes the Magnums now on sale in Victoria state as part of its "vice-cream" range, said the ice creams contained only vodka flavouring and no alcohol.
The firm's marketing general manager David McNeil told the Herald Sun newspaper the ice creams were promoted only to adults. He added that rum and raisin has been a popular ice cream flavour for 30 years.
Geez, people get their panties in a wad over the littlest things. Did it ever occur to them that "normalizing" alcohol might actually have the opposite effect, and instead make people so used to the idea of alcohol as a part of everyday life that they feel less urge to run off and binge drink? Or maybe that they should jut get a sense of humor and stop taking every little thing in life so seriously. Lighten the fuck up.
*drinks her peach flavored brandy and sighs blssfully*
I guess I know what to blame my chocolate addiction on--ice cream. Oh woe is me, what next? Uncontrollable urges to eat pistachios?
Booze-flavoured ice cream chills activists
Sat Apr 3, 5:09 AM ET
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A new vodka-flavoured ice cream launched in Australia has provoked an outcry from groups worried it would give children a taste for alcohol.
The booze-flavoured Illicit Vodka Cranberry Magnum ice creams hit the shelves just months after biscuit-maker Arnott's new Tia Maria Tim Tams and Kahlua Slices prompted fears that the liquor-laced biscuits would encourage children to drink.
"These products normalise alcohol and suggest to people that they ought to be thinking about alcohol just about every hour of the day," said Geoff Munro, Community Alcohol Action Network director on Saturday.
"It introduces children to the taste of alcohol at potentially a very early age and I think that should be avoided," he told Australian Associated Press.
Streets, which makes the Magnums now on sale in Victoria state as part of its "vice-cream" range, said the ice creams contained only vodka flavouring and no alcohol.
The firm's marketing general manager David McNeil told the Herald Sun newspaper the ice creams were promoted only to adults. He added that rum and raisin has been a popular ice cream flavour for 30 years.
Geez, people get their panties in a wad over the littlest things. Did it ever occur to them that "normalizing" alcohol might actually have the opposite effect, and instead make people so used to the idea of alcohol as a part of everyday life that they feel less urge to run off and binge drink? Or maybe that they should jut get a sense of humor and stop taking every little thing in life so seriously. Lighten the fuck up.
*drinks her peach flavored brandy and sighs blssfully*
I guess I know what to blame my chocolate addiction on--ice cream. Oh woe is me, what next? Uncontrollable urges to eat pistachios?
whyyyy thank you...you are too kind