i had a pretty weird dream a couple nights back. i don't usually remember my dreams, but they start to get real nuts if i don't smoke the greens for a couple days. anyway, i was walking with this couple in what was supposed to be minneapolis but different like more futuristic and old at the same time, and we went to a highrise building, but instead of just going through a door there was this elevator-tube thing. so we go up to some apartment, which was huge, like a three story loft kind of thing. so i pretty much just start wandering in this apartment, which has open spots in the floor that you can or are supposed to jump over. this apartment is bigger than many houses, and has huge windows overlooking the city. it's night and there's a weird red storm behind the city. i'm on the top floor and jump over this gap .(which is to your right as you come up the stairs in the pic below, which also i'm not sure was connected as in the picture). over there i find a newspaper, which has an article about a member of the flaming lips murdering his brother, and it has a cool picture of the band and all that.
that's about all i remember. i tried to recreate it somewhat with photoshop and illustrator as a sketch below.

that's about all i remember. i tried to recreate it somewhat with photoshop and illustrator as a sketch below.

The whole.. dreams going crazy if you haven't smoked anything for a short while makes perfect sense.. with the whole REM rebound and whatnot.